Simplifying Clairvoyance: How to Recognize and Strengthen Your Intuitive Sight
Ever wondered if you have the intuitive skill of clairvoyance? Learn how to tap into this ability, recognize what is an intuitive vision, and trust your third eye. This blog post walks you through a simple process to develop your intuitive sight and shares some advice to help you strengthen your connection to Spirit.
Ever heard of joint dreaming? I guess it's a thing! And it just happened to me.
Join me as I share a unique experience—my best friend and I had a joint dream! Learn about our deep connection, how dreams can reveal soul-level insights, and tips for enhancing your own dream work. Plus, explore the power of accessing your Akashic Records for spiritual growth.
How My Dragons Turned a Chaotic Trip into Healing Magic
During a recent trip, my friend and I encountered intense energies that required us to clear and protect our space and focus on energy maintenance! With the support of my dragon guides, we navigated the challenges and restored balance. Read about our experience and join me for a Dragon Energy Healing Gathering!
picking the golden threads
In this post, I explore the complex process of incarnation, sharing insights from Spirit, guides, and my experiences in the Akashic Records. Both humans and pets choose their forms and life paths with deep soul purpose, shaping relationships, lessons, and growth.
Flowers & Trees & Faeries, Oh My!
With turbulence or chaos comes the need for nurturing yourself, spending time in nature, and Spirit's guidance. I share a story about alignment and about what was shared in my most recent workshop. I connected with tree spirits and the faeries and share what they had to say.
New Moon in Virgo Oracle Card Pull
Spirit has three oracle cards for you on this New Moon in Virgo. Join Lexie as she channels these messages for you and shares the wisdom Spirit has for your wellbeing, energy, and environment.
There’s no step-by-step when it comes to developing intuition
Discover how Lexie developed her intuition through experimentation and trying new things, without step-by-step instructions. This blog post encourages you to trust your journey or find a mentor to help you navigate the path to deeper intuitive knowledge. Someone that can help you based on your unique design.
Recurring Dream update ~ I figured it out!
Uncover the hidden meanings behind recurring dreams as they relate to the Akashic Records and spiritual initiation. This update delves into the profound insights gained from recurring dreams, revealing their connection to potential and deep soul work.
Connecting with it all ~ Talking with Plants, Trees, Mountains, bodies of water, animals, and more
Ever wondered if it's possible to communicate with plants, trees, mountains, and even the elements? It absolutely is! Read this latest blog post sharing four ways you can start connecting with different types of consciousness. Also take a look at my upcoming workshop, Connecting with It All, where we’ll explore the tools and techniques to connect with all these energies and have a chance to practice connecting with your own places and things of interest!
Blue Moon? Full Moon? August 19th’s energy
Explore the effects of the Full Moon in Aquarius/Blue Moon, and how these lunar events can influence your everyday life. See what Lexie has had to navigate during some intense energies! Navigate challenges with resilience and trust during this transformative time.
On my 230+ day of Initiation: How Dreams Reveal Soul Memories
A vivid dream within my initiation container revealed a powerful soul memory, showing me the importance of emotions in dream recall. Explore how these memories guide spiritual growth and how an Akashic Records session can help you understand your own experiences.
A convo with Lutsen… Read for a Laugh
Ever wondered what it's like to chat with your pets? From funny morning mishaps with Lutsen to the deeper bond we share, animal communication is part of my daily life. Dive into my experiences and learn how you can talk to your pets with my Animal Communication Integration course.
Going Fishing while using Animal Communication
Ever been fishing? Ever wondered what the fish are thinking? Let’s talk about fishing while using the skills of animal communication! This blog post also includes ways you can support the animals and nature while fishing.
medical intuition
Not feeling your best is not fun. We’ve all been there but have you ever wondered how to handle it with a mixture of western medicine and holistic methods? Read about my partner’s struggle with vertigo, how ear candling and intuitive healing provided relief, and why trusting your intuition can be a game changer.
transmuting shame, anger, & jealousy
Overwhelmed by intense emotions? Read about my journey of using Akashic Records, muscle testing, and oracle cards to identify and heal deep-seated feelings. Discover how connecting with your spiritual team and trusting your intuition can bring clarity and relief.
Akashic Records and Recurring Dreams
What are your experiences with recurring dreams or visuals? Dive into the Akashic Records with me as I explore my own and share about some divine energies I’ve been connecting with. Within is the potential for profound spiritual growth.
Preparing pets for fireworks
Learn how to prepare your pets for July 4th fireworks with effective communication and calming techniques. Ease their fears and ensure they feel safe and supported during holiday celebrations. Discover strategies for a stress-free Independence Day for you and your pets!
Little old lady in the House - A sweet Ghost story
In a heartwarming animal communication session, a cat named Reya helps reveal a lost spirit from the 1830s. Journey through the compassionate process of reuniting this lonely soul with her family, guided by the wisdom of animals and the power of empathy.
Spiritual Lineage
Uncover the significance of spiritual lineage and its role in connecting us to our spiritual roots. Learn about the sacred tradition of passing down spiritual teachings and the beauty of remembering those who paved the way for our spiritual journey.
I pulled this for you
Today’s card pull (done just for you) invites you to remember who you are. With messages of stillness and grounding, Spirit encourages you to slow down and reflect inward. Take a look at what the cards are saying for you today and receive some encouragement from Lexie!