when one door Closes…

Recently I have been intuitively hearing the phrase one door closes and another door opens. I kept hearing it and kept hearing it and around the point I was like alright already, Spirit was like but look at it this way instead!

I think most of us have heard this phrase or understand its meaning. Originally my mind would think damn there must be a strong draft in that room but I got the idea.

It’s a common saying that means when one opportunity closes or shifts, maybe something falls through or something ends abruptly, another opportunity is available or there’s a new path forward. It’s generally said as a way to keep a positive outlook on a situation. It’s said when there’s a need to look for a silver lining to something that may be out of your control.

I’ve understood the saying but I’ve always thought that it felt pretty passive. Like we are just standing in a room waiting for the doors to miraculously open and close so we can keep walking through them. I never pictured actually touching the door handles and opening the doors myself in this scenario.

I personally believe that the universe definitely opens doors and helps us close doors but I view that as a redirection in our best interests. Not a way to control our paths.

This week though, I was urged to look at it in a different way. View it in a different perspective.

It’s a subtle difference. Instead of one door closes and another door opens I was told to look at it like YOU close one door and another WILL open for you. Spirit was emphasizing ACTION and taking your life into your own hands. Directing your desires and interests rather than being a passive player on this earth and asking for what you want on the other side of that door.

Instead of waiting for the universe to close doors and lead our path through the ones that open, we should take a look at what doors we want to close on our own and take the initiative and action forward to determine our path. Be the instigator! By taking action and putting our energy into making a decision, we can trust that a better door WILL open for us, one we actually want!

When you switch to this perspective in your head, you can feel the change in energy. When we make decisions to be active in our path forward, the universe is eager to help clear the way.

It’s similar to the moments I’ve had long ago where I was just waiting for things to happen. I was tired and I was sitting in a pause phase and just watching things happen around me. I wanted things to change and I was throwing my hands in the air asking Spirit, what do I do?! Tell me what to do!

I was waiting for something to change and I was open to change but there was a slight problem with this. I was missing a key part.

In those moments I was not understanding that I had to CHOOSE. I had to actually TELL Spirit what I wanted! Nothing was moving because I was not sure what I wanted to move. I knew I wanted change, I knew I didn’t want what I had going on at the moment but I didn’t know what I wanted instead.

If you find yourself in a similar situation I would say skip over the dopey moping and waiting like I was doing and grab your life by the balls and say what you want out of it!

Dig deep! Do some soul searching, some journaling. Look at what things your mind says, oh I want that or I wish I had that to and use that as inspo for your goals.

If you don’t like your job or feel stuck in it, you may be asking Spirit or the universe to help you out of the situation but have you actually asked for something more than I want out of this job, I hate it?

Be more specific. Be intentional and share what you desire with Spirit. It might take some looking at and it may require some trial and error when asking the universe to pave the way forward but it’s so much better than being a leaf on the river along for the ride with no say in where you’re going.

Yes, doors will close for you all the time. It’s how change happens. But TRUST that you can both choose which door to close and that another door WILL open and that you can have a say in what’s on the other side.

Needing help with closing the doors or finding new ways forward? ​Book a session ​where we can talk directly with Spirit and gain insight on how to help you find your desires and move forward with their support:)


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