Dragon Summer

Are you ready to fly?

Unleash the Power Within and Discover your Inner Dragon

Are you feeling the call to light your Life Fire,

find your wings,

and bring more of YOU back home to Self?

Introducing ~ Dragon Summer

I know that everyone has a dragon within them—an inner force of strength, resilience, and limitless self-power.

I created this experience WITH the dragons to help you connect with them and the extraordinary essence within you, guiding you towards the path of self-realization and personal growth.

A transformation is at hand.

Yes Dragons are real. They are not on our physical dimension but are real all the same. As part of the higher dimensional beings, we can connect with the Dragons. Dragons that are ready to bond with us and show us the path to our Life Fire.

I’ve been working with the Dragons for a while now. For lifetimes. Dragon Summer is the shared teachings of the Dragons as well as the perspective through the human lens. I will be sharing my experiences and lessons learned.

Through an intensive and intentional experience, we will guide you as you learn ancient wisdom and modern techniques to connect with your inner dragon and your dragon guides.

Along with the knowledge of the Dragons, we learn and practice techniques and habits that help us recalibrate to our own gifts and inner wisdom. Turning to ourselves when we have questions and trusting that we have the best answer for ourselves. Listening and respecting our own inner knowledge and authority.

Discovering your inner dragon goes hand-in-hand with mastering your conscious mind and emotions. The guided teachings will help you develop the confidence in yourself and support you in overcoming challenges, setbacks, and self-limiting beliefs.

Embracing your inner dragon will enable you to conquer your fears, step out of your comfort zone, and face life's obstacles head-on. You will be guided on how to see your shadow with love and understanding. Not only will you experience the fiery side to the dragons, but their nurturing side as well.

Dragons are fair. They know limits and know when to push them. They know when to be fierce and unbreakable but also know when to move slower and with peace. Dragons see into the depths of you. There is no hiding from a dragon. But that is how they support your growth.

Throughout this 8 week journey, you will be a part of a supportive community of people that are on similar paths as you, curious about the Dragons and committed to their personal growth.

Engage in group discussions, collaborate on conversations and ideas, and share insights and breakthroughs. The bond formed within this community will inspire and motivate you.

We will meet live each week on Zoom and recordings will be available if you aren’t able to join us live. The teachings will be available to all to rewatch and are held in our class container on Teachable.

Try to have at least one of meeting times available so that you can join us without distraction. It’s not required to make the live teachings but I highly encourage it. The community is a large aspect of our learning experience and I would love to see you there.

Spaces are kept limited at 10 people.