practice makes proficiency

Often when there's a push for change in our lives (either pushed by us or by the universe) we reach for stability. What better way to find stability than looking within ourselves and asking our higher selves for the truest path forward?

Our own inner guidance will ALWAYS be superior to outside voices. It can be helpful to gain someone's perspective on something other than your own but I definitely believe that the true knowledge and perspective from within is key on finding that inner stability and allowing it to flow outward into our waking lives.

Connecting with your higher self can be simple but often will require you to push through layers of self doubt, work through and face your shadow and deeper emotions, and actually PRACTICE.

You practice by showing up, asking for help and tips, digging your heels in and DOING it. Doing it even after you get frustrated or scared. Doing it by tweaking your approach and trying a new way.

Your inner knowledge is not held out of your reach or kept locked away. It's ridiculous to believe it is and even more ridiculous to believe it will remain that way.

I get really kind compliments about how in a session or in mentorship my insight and perceptive skill is smooth and on point. It's sometimes said with the flavor of "I'll never be like that" in their voice.

How do you think I got there?

I didn't stop. I didn't give in to the doubt. I DECIDED that I was going to learn my skills and open up to them and that was that. I decided to put in the work, the practice, the failings, and to wade through the sticky tricky bits.

It was shitty and hard at times because of course you will fall and scrape your knees when first learning. I definitely had to build trust in myself and my guides (though the self trust is first and foremost the goal) and I had to truly be fierce in my actions and discipline to show up and practice.

Doing so allowed Spirit to reach out with more opportunities to learn.

Doing so allowed me to expand my reach to meet and HELP more people because I developed the SKILLS to.

Doing so allowed my skill set to expand and brought me EASE because I truly trusted myself and the knowledge I was bringing forward.

Showing up to practice is key. I did this by meditating or meeting Spirit often. Practicing using my intuition in every part of my life, in all sizes of decisions, because it created a foundation and lots of data for me to reflect on.

I used tools and practiced with those tools. I intuitively read for myself, then others, always eager to practice.

I met my guides and trusted their guidance. Building a relationship of trust with them by taking ACTION on their guidance. (The more action and RESPONSE you take to your guides insight and knowledge, the more they will see your trust and give you more.)

I practiced in other people's circles and gatherings before I felt I could create my own gatherings to bring other people to practice with me like in Dragon Energy Healing Gatherings, my course Animal Communication Integration, my mentorships, and sessions of course.

These spaces allowed me to invite people that also wanted to stretch and strengthen their intuitive muscles without it being hard! Without having to decide HOW to practice.

I created these spaces for those that want to join others in a space dedicated to practicing and feeling safe to learn. And hold these spaces with the highest of hopes that I can make practicing and learning smoother. Maybe make it not seem so lofty of a thing. Making the process feel more approachable, helping you to feel more open to asking questions, and honoring how you learn as an individual.

My belief is ABSOLUTELY you can learn the intuitive skills you want and my approach is it doesn't have to be hard.

In fact, it can actually be relaxing like the gathering tonight I'm hosting, our January Dragon Energy Healing Gathering tonight where we get to strengthen the intuitive muscles that allow us to go deeply into healing. Tonight will also be an opportunity for you to practice channeling divine guidance for yourself and for practice connecting to your Dragons!

Our gatherings are once a month online at 6pm CST if you'd like to join. See more about the topic for each class HERE

Never done learning, always practicing, there's lots more to do:)


Simplifying Clairaudience: How to listen and recognize your intuitive Hearing


massages are for my body and my fee fees