massages are for my body and my fee fees

I'm just going to jump right into it! I am sure you have heard or are familiar with the idea that your emotional state manifests in your physical body. It's so true and it's why we use the phrase "broken heart" when feeling grief or big hurts. It's why when we feel anxious we feel it within our bodies and that fight, flight, or freeze reflex starts up.

But really it doesn't always have to be something big for us to have a physical manifestation of it. It can be simple. It's all about letting the body tell us what it's feeling and following that thread.

Your fee fees (feelings) need an outlet. I choose to go with body work and convos with my friends:)

Earlier this week my best friend was working on me. She's a massage therapist among an insane amount of other cool things. (I often joke about how I must have manifested a bestie with her kind of healing powers because Spirit KNEW I would need her. Or at least we planned our friendship before incarnating, there's too much synchronicities between us for us to not have planned!)

When I say she works on me, she gives me her all! A beautiful combo of reiki, massage bodywork, myofascial release, aromatherapy, and of course the just as powerful friend chats. When we work together we can do BIG things.

So there I was nakey and laying under a blanket on her table. She had started with my head and neck, moved to my traps and shoulders before getting to my arms. And boy oh boy those were PAINFUL.

I don't mean like ouch my muscles are tense and sore. No no no. I mean like WHY ARE YOU RIPPING MY MUSCLES APART AND STABBING ME. Thing is... she wasn't going very hard. (Often times Spirit will tell her if I need her to "go easy" or "just let her have it, it needs to come out" and this time was a little bit of both? I'll often ask, "What's my body requesting today?" and when she says, "Buckle up." I know it's for good reason. I trust her.)

So.. PAIN. Luckily she is used to me bucking, kicking, swearing, and shouting when she gets to tender a. areas. She takes my false threats to punch her in the tit all in stride. She knows there's something bigger going on.

She's reassured me that she's not trying to kill me and she certainly doesn't do more than I can handle. I signed up for it, I asked for it, it needs to happen. (There was one time she was working on my back around my ribs and I felt like she was stabbing me. It led to a discovery of a past life death and many tears and snot as I released that.)

I was mid swear when she dug a little deeper and asked my body what was fighting to get out. She sensed that someone was tugging on my arm and pulling on me. Kind of using me as an anchor and I was getting annoyed about it. I started talking about someone and then the talking led to ranting and that led to all of my frustrations being poured out and it felt GOOD.

And wouldn't ya know it, after I was done with my emotional purge, the arm she was massaging wasn't in pain. AT ALL.

I was so surprised in the difference that she reassured me she hadn't changed pressure at all. It was just that big of a thing to release and it was causing my body that much issue. (I was so surprised in the difference I asked her to keep petting me so it would sink in that it actually happened lol Kind of like "pinch me I must be dreaming!")

I saw it too. My energy was more mellow. It was not exhausted and I was able to notice the freedom when I got it.

Have you ever been in the shower and noticed a stray hair from your head stuck on your arm or leg? You didn't feel it. And when you went to pull it off of you, you finally did feel it and it tickled? That's kind of what it felt like to me. I had not noticed who was pulling me so hard energetically that I only noticed after I released them. Sneaky shits.

With my swearing and tit hitting threats no longer needed as a coping mechanism, she moved on to other parts of my body.

Eventually when she got to my other arm I felt the pain again. Just like the first arm I was pleading with her "no no no no no, owie, oh f*** this sh**, you strong b****, ow, I love you but f*** this, NO!"

Guess what? Another tug of war was happening on my other side. Another person that was grasping onto me as an energetic life line. This one was not wanting to let go but with a little bit of razzle dazzle from Spirit, I was free of being yanked and back to not feeling pain in my arm as she massaged it.

It was like night and day! Pain and then no pain!

The key here is that emotions and energy were stuck in areas of my body. Creating a tug of war that was wearing me out! When you NOTICE the body trying to tell you where it hurts, there is a good chance that there is some emotional stuff to take a look at there. Some things that may be lingering. Some energy that may need to be released. Once the emotion that is stuck in your body is released you'll feel better! It can be quite a noticeable change.

You can release it by listening and then allowing the emotions the attention they need to be let out. For me, it was the verbal release and venting that helped me get the TRUTH of what I was feeling out. No matter how ugly it felt to say. Once I spoke the truth, it was free to leave and I was able to move back to balance.

Often the truth we need to speak feels HARD. Admitting to yourself or others that you feel a certain way takes a unique form of courage and bravery. It's so worth it though.

Try taking notice of your body and what it's saying to you. Give yourself a chance to speak the truth of how you feel before it settles in your body.

I have come across so many people (including myself) that I can see are holding onto grief, anger, hurt, and so much more and they aren't allowing it to be said or acknowledged. And it HURTS them. I know that it contributes to any dis-ease in the body and I only wish you to see the courage and ability you have to bring peace and clarity to what you're feeling.

There's many ways to support your emotional and physical state. Mine are working on a cosmic level in my akashic records, diving into the void and my shadow, healing with the dragons, and of course my friend's superpower of massage, bodywork, and girl chats:)

I have no doubt that you'll find what works for you!


practice makes proficiency


Simplifying Clairvoyance: How to Recognize and Strengthen Your Intuitive Sight