Simplifying Clairvoyance: How to Recognize and Strengthen Your Intuitive Sight
When you are new to the idea that you have intuitive gifts, you might forget that your intuition is not new to YOU.
You’ve always had access to your intuition but now you’re curious and wondering how it manifests for you. Maybe you are wondering how to flex and strengthen those intuitive muscles.
You really just have to recognize it.
I say this often to my Animal Communication Integration students and to the people that work with me one on one in mentorship that you can practice and have any of the ‘clairs’ you want.
Some of the skills might require more practice than others, some may be as natural as breathing and some may need training but yes, you have access to all the abilities.
The most common one I have students asking me about is clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is ‘clear seeing’ and when I am using this ability you might hear me say something like, “I have a visual of…” or “I see…”.
With any of the skills, it can be common for people to feel stuck or have difficulty understanding how these skills actually manifest for them. My goal for this blog post is to clear that up a bit and simplify things!
Clairvoyance is a skill that many people feel stuck with. When psychics or intuitives “see” Spirit or energy, it may not be what you think.
You may be thinking that you should see a solid form or vision like your physical eyes can pick up. Like someone is standing right in front of you. While there are stories of people mistaking spirits for flesh and bone solid people, it’s not as common of an experience.
You might think you also have to be in a meditative state or very quiet and relaxed in order to see. While being relaxed and having a clear mind is very helpful to practicing in the beginning, you will eventually be able to tap into your intuitive sight whenever you like!
Tapping into my psychic sight is very quick for me and I can tune into it at any time and during any activity. It’s now as natural as breathing but it took practice, surrender, and trust to develop it to this level.
Remember we are using our third eye, that chakra or space that sits in the middle of our forehead above our eyebrows.
The third eye or the mind’s eye, sees differently than our physical eyes. When you practice clairvoyance, you are practicing with your mind’s eye and strengthening that ‘muscle’. You are training yourself to switch your vision between the mind’s eye and your physical eyes. Eventually these can work together.
Your mind’s eye sees what your physical eyes can’t. Meaning, you most likely will not see things as solid and right in front of you. Instead the images might be fuzzy or transparent. Your other intuitive senses will support what you see.
For example: When I see a deceased pet visit me, my physical eyes are picking up my surroundings but my mind’s eye is picking up my pet and layering that with what I physically see. My other clair skills then work to add information. My claircognizance (clear knowing) tells me more info. My clairsentience (clear feeling) shows me what they are feeling as my clairaudience (clear hearing) is hearing what they are saying to me.
All of my intuitive skills are being used (there are more clairs than the ones I have mentioned) and all of this information comes together to paint a picture for me.
It’s very common when learning to put pressure on yourself to the point of disrupting your flow and preventing you from accessing this skill. This then leads to doubt when you aren’t seeing progress or frustration when you can’t seem to understand how it works.
Let me try to make it simple!
Try this exercise:
I want you to first relax and take a deep breath. Release expectations of this practice and lean into the feeling of curiosity. Curiosity switches us to flow mode and we feel less force.
Now picture a horse in your mind. Just imagine a horse.
What do you imagine? What do you see in your head?
Color? Size? Breed? Is it saddled? Moving?
There’s no wrong answer! Just notice what it feels like when you imagine this horse.
This is how it feels to SEE with your mind’s eye.
It will feel like your imagination, it may feel like daydreaming too.
When you connect with your intuition or to your spiritual guides for information, it may be helpful to ask them to show you an image of __________.
“Show me what I could do to relax and restore my energy.”
“Show me what foods my body is asking for right now.”
“Show me the best way to get this done.”
Really allow yourself to be open to seeing what your mind shows you,
Remember, it may seem as if you’re imagining something but often our intuition is immediate and so if you “see” something in your mind, try to trust and release doubt. See what happens!
Let me know if you’d like me to break down and simplify the other clairs!