New Moon in Virgo Oracle Card Pull

I’m writing to you from the comfort of my bedroom. I have the window open with a breeze flowing in, Franklin doing cat parkour on and over me to catch the two flies buzzing around the room. (She just caught one!) I just finished mowing the whole lawn and it was a doozy! I got a sweat in, stepped in some dog shit but I had my jams and some cold lemon water and a good ‘tude about it all.

With my gorgeous time outside on this gorgeous day in Minnesota, I am feeling very centered and grounded. Nature always does that doesn't it? I thought I’d take some time to not only draw some oracle cards for myself but also draw some for you on this New Moon in Virgo we have today.

I drew these cards with the intention to share with you what guidance Spirit has for you, the readers of my emails:)

It doesn’t matter when you are reading this, it can resonate at any point in time it is meant to. If a part doesn’t resonate, then leave it be, it’s not for you:)

Three cards came out for you today. We have Vast Vistas, In The Flow, and Cleansing Waters.

Let’s start with the card Vast Vistas.

“Expand your horizons.”

This card is Spirit’s way of telling you that there are new things to explore that will feed your soul and restore your energy! This New Moon in Virgo is like opening the door to the fall season and there is so much to do during the fall! Restore your energy by exploring new orchards, drive to view the fall leaves when they change, enjoy the cool weather at an outdoor brewery, go to an outdoor concert, try a new sport or hobby, explore a new coffee shop for that caramel apple or pumpkin spice coffee fun!

Perhaps try something new like this workshop! ;) Connecting With It All is this Friday September 6th @ 6pm CST and we will be having fun learning HOW to connect to nature! It is an online workshop and it’s such good timing for fall.

This is an exciting time and there will be more of it to come. Think outside the box. There are ideas that you’ve been cultivating and they are moving towards manifestation. Big changes are coming so enjoy the new and exciting and allow yourself to restore your energy through this excitement and joy.

In The Flow

“Everything is smooth sailing.”

Spirit is saying that everything is falling and flowing into place. There is a lot of movement and sometimes when we pivot and are building so much and making so much change happen, it takes the universe a little time to course correct. If you are feeling that you aren’t flowing, perhaps play with a favorite saying of mine, “It’s not denied, just delayed.”

Sometimes when we feel things aren’t going smoothly, it’s because it is out of our line of sight. Trust that things are moving and so this isn’t the time to try and control every event of your life. Enjoy the ride! Let the universe float you along, trust your inner tube!

Cleansing Waters

“Purification activates vibrant life forces.”

With the changing of the seasons, this is a PERFECT time to declutter, organize, clean, rearrange, and get thrifty and creative with your environment. Think: bedroom organization for your best sleep, cleaning the kitchen so you are enticed to make more meals at home, cleaning out the garage or shed and fixing up the winter stuff to prepare for the cooler weather, get some last weeding done in your garden and start harvesting what is ready!

I did a couple of these and others this last weekend and it felt so gooooood.

You may be surprised with how much shifts and how your mood is elevated with these types of changes, no matter their size.

Don’t forget to shower or take a bath with intention, using the time of cleansing your body to also be a mindfulness act that cleanses your energy too.

When you are at your best, when your life forces are vibrant, you FEEL better. I think we all like that!

I think this New Moon in Virgo is so gearing us up for getting clear and doing some housekeeping, internally and externally! Flow with what you feel and enjoy your day.


Flowers & Trees & Faeries, Oh My!


There’s no step-by-step when it comes to developing intuition