There’s no step-by-step when it comes to developing intuition
Pretty often I get people asking me how I learned to do 'those things'. Or 'How do I do that?' and expect me to spit out the three steps to accomplishing something that took years of trial and effort.
And while I could assume they are talking about how I got to be so wonderful and humble ;) I know they are talking about my intuition, my gifts, and my ability to KNOW things and TRUST them.
I find answering this question so challenging. Many others have put it into words better than I could have. Maybe because I am still trying to figure out the answer?
I didn’t do anything crazy to develop my intuition. I don’t think my path is even repeatable. It definitely wasn’t simple, I didn’t have anyone to turn to for support or to ask ‘does this shit happen to you? Am I crazy or is this normal for us?’
There was no 123 step by step list. There was no daily meditation (I can’t sit and quiet my mind for shit), no ‘up before the sun’ morning routine that gave me perfect days, no courses, no mentorship or training (gosh how I would have loved that), no ‘read this book’ for the answers (I did read a lot of books though).
I just DID things. I learned new things. I TRIED things and leaned on those I trusted with my experiences and questions. And bless them because there were only like one or two people and I was ANNOYING with my questions and ‘what ifs’.
I focused my attention inward and learned about myself. Through activities, jobs, friendships, and tools. Some of the tools I still like to use are human design and astrology.
If you are unfamiliar with Human Design, it's a form of knowing yourself and knowing how you are uniquely “designed”.
In a way it sounds like the information you can retrieve from your Akashic Records when looking at your current lifetime but through experience I have found it’s not exactly the same.
HD is a tool, a road map of things that can give you freedom to be how you are uniquely designed. It’s a chart of information that can sit right in front of your face, printed from your home computer, to gaze at and learn about a little at a time. It’s a lifelong experiment.
And I LOVE that. We are personal development girlies over here! (guys too, never forgetting about you too, boo)
I love having charts and information to shove into my brain. When I got my human design chart, I read it like it was the newest smut novel and devoured it in a day. Then read it again cause I had goosebumps.
It was COMPLEX. I am not studying all of Human Design and don’t give personal readings (though I do know people who do if you need a recommendation). I am only curious and will ask you what your profile and type is (I’m a 6/2 Manifesting Generator) but I really am just focusing on my own design at the moment.
Anyway, I learned that the reason I find it a little difficult to tell people how to get to my level of intuitive knowledge and trust, is because though I do consider myself a teacher, I am not here to teach my exact road map and instruction/recipe for you to follow.
I can’t build a roadmap to replicate my experience and give you that. Nope!
And I don’t think any one person can tell you that anyway!
If any of you have been in a workshop with me (check out this one coming up) or have taken my animal communication course, Dragon Summer, or have just worked with me one on one, you know that my genius is in sharing my wisdom and experience as it relates to your own unique needs and support.
I’m a melting pot of high valued and studied information. I’m a sounding board. I am great at noticing patterns, observing, and seeing things that are under the surface. I offer my perspective and am the gathering point for ideas and ways of learning.
I want to make the world (starting with my own world) a more open and honest place. I do this by sharing authentically and by being honest in my own personal inner work so that I may become a better version of myself to then help you through the same.
I am multi-passionate and a doer! I want to learn all the things, master them, and move on to more curiosities. This has led me to working many different jobs (most of them animal related of course). Here’s a few:
Working with a lot of horse trainers in different disciplines
Providing horse training and riding lessons
Working in a performance horse breeding barn
Wrangling & ranching
Pet sitting (I travel for this FYI and love doing it, want an animal communicator to watch your pets? Reach out!)
Working on farms and an orchard
Dairy farm (omg that was actually so much fun)
Teaching advanced human bio, general bio, and environmental science in the classroom
Quality inspection in machining (this was a ‘what the heck’ kind of extreme side quest)
My curiosity has also led me to develop many hobbies such as:
Digital art
Reading (oh gosh so much reading)
Human design
Tarot and oracle cards
Muscle testing
EFT and body work with animals
Weight lifting
Making sourdough & kombucha & fermenting things (I like a happy gut!)
A lot of the knowledge I gain through every new experience, no matter how random it may be, is added to my collection of wisdom and allows me to support and advise people through many different things.
It’s through this practice of experimentation and trying new things that has allowed me to trust my intuition and develop it. Truly.
How do you think I chose all of those things? How do you think I decided when to move on to the next one?
My intuition spoke through those experiences, told me when I had had enough, and nudged me to move on when it was time. It led me more than anything else.
It wasn’t always a simple decision. Leaving the full time machining job in quality inspection to start my own business during the start of Covid was fucking terrifying. More on that soon.
No one can tell you EXACTLY how to grow and trust your intuition with 100% success rate and no challenges. They can't tell you the exact formula to talk to your animals with no speed bumps, mistakes, or fumbling.
They won’t be able to show you how to connect with and start a relationship with your guides that is immediately 100% trusted with no doubt at all.
And they certainly won’t be able to do all your inner work for you.
And if they say they can, RUN the other way.
If that’s what you are looking for or expecting from me… I ask you to kindly unsubscribe because I am best fitted with the people that are looking for my consistency in showing up and in holding safe space for you to go deep.
I want them to express who they are and what makes them a unique person! I want them to stop making themselves small, trust that they are worth the effort and I want to support them in making their dreams a reality.
You can have success and develop your gifts while resting and playing. You can recover from burn out while still learning and experiencing new things. You can let go of fear and embrace joy with someone to hold a consistent safe space for you to heal within.
Each of us has a beautiful and unique path ahead that is gorgeously unfolding in front of us, in its own time, in its own way. I honor that and want to work with you in your own time, in your own unique way. The best way to do this with me is through one on one mentorship/guidance or in a one on one container within Dragon Summer.
If you're looking for another flavor of support, let's connect in an Intuitive session or a workshop!
Let me leave you with some thinkers:)
Think about what your intuitive goals are.
What would you like to accomplish when it comes to your own intuition? What would living a life with your intuition on full strength feel and look like?
What would you do? How would your life change?
Am I there in the corner cheering you on? :)
This is how I imagine it lol