the coffee shop stranger

I am always in awe of what happens when I am energetically open and working from a high vibrational energy.

I was sitting in a local coffee shop and was in the zone with what I was working on. I love utilizing coffee shops as energetic spaces, they are filled with the smell of coffee, pleasant music, and offer white noise as I focus my energy on tasks.

I was putting my Manifesting Generator (Human Design) energy to good use and was also using the energies of the upcoming Lunar Eclipse to fuel my way forward.

I don’t usually have anyone interrupt me, I sit by myself in the back corner of the shop, but today was unique. An older gentleman walked in and as he waited for his coffee I could feel his energy. This isn’t out of the norm, everyone holds energy and if I am not distracted, I can feel it. People radiate out what they are feeling and this older gentleman radiated calmness and the intention to relax and enjoy his time. A refreshing pace from the rushing energy people sometimes have in a busy coffee shop.

After ordering, he waited at the counter a bit and he glanced over and pointed out my computer that is covered with stickers, many of them spiritual in style, and made a joke about them, I laughed and then he pointed to the jug of green juice that sat beside me and asked what it was, I said, “Green juice, haha, it’s fruit juices and it’s so good!” He goes, “Looks too healthy for me.” And with a laugh he turned away.

I could feel his interest and I am sure my stickers gave me away. Not the one that says ‘Thick thighs, thin patience’ or the one that is a photo of Dwight from the show ‘The Office’ that says ‘You couldn’t handle my undivided attention.’ But the ones that depict chakras and dragons and the one that says ‘empath’.

He wandered over and asked, “What do you do?”. When I get asked this question I am always spiraling for an answer that makes the most sense and doesn’t need as much explaining. Oftentimes I am met by silence and curiosity. This time I answered, “I am a spiritual healer.” *silence* and a heartbeat later I added, “Do you know what animal communication is? That’s what I do.” And he says, “Oh yeah I do! I am sensitive to energies and auras. Sometimes I take the negative energy and remove it like this.” He then waved his hand away after grasping the air before him. I said, “That’s wonderful! Very cool.” And he gave me a nod and walked away to wait further for his coffee. A heartbeat or two later he turned around and walked over, stopped two meters from me and said, “Ya know, I can feel your energy, it’s very positive and it stretches out to here.” He then waved his hand in a curve before him. I was surprised and luckily had enough working brain cells to say with a smile, “Thank you, that’s very kind.” Once again he nodded, and that was that.

He walked away and settled in a chair where he drank his coffee. After finishing, he stood up and threw away his cup then made his way slowly back to my table. He stood and said, “Us sensitives need to stick together. You’re doing good work.” Again, I was pleasantly surprised and said thank you. He asked if he could hold his palm above the back of my hand and after I said yes he placed his hand above mine and looked away in zoned out concentration. Much like the zoning out that I do when channeling energy and beings. He said, “Wow you are so calm. Most people aren’t that calm. I’ve never met anyone as calm as you.” I said, “Thank you, it took a lot of work to get this way.” He nodded and retracted his hand.

After, we got to talking about deeper concepts that he said he rarely speaks to others about. Noting his time growing up in the forest and how he was different from all others his age. How nature gave him his calm and how he thinks people need to stop saying sorry for things that aren’t theirs. He voiced how women care so much for others but they need to care more for themselves. How communication is valuable between people and that most people are walking around in need of a hug but don’t get one. He shared a whimsical but educational story about Scotland that affirmed the importance of communication. After he said what he needed to, he gave me his name and told me to write down a quote from him.

“Good communication is a fine art, but I find on most days, I am finger painting with watercolor.” - Tom K

After sharing the communication we were destined to share, he left.
I guess I never really think too hard about who around me is able to feel what I feel. It’s not like anyone walks around yet comfortably sharing with strangers in casual conversation what energy they are experiencing. For me it has become another one of my senses, naturally there, sometimes forgotten about in that it is a working and flowing part of me and not needing to be an active sense. My reality is that I live with focus on my energy so that I can feel my best and be my best. My best doesn’t always come with acknowledgement or recognition which isn’t a problem for me. That’s not why I cultivate it. But it does feel really nice for a complete stranger to not only acknowledge that aura and energy are a thing, or that they believe in what you do for a living and are kind about that information, but they also go out of their way to compliment your energy.

He gifted me a unique and memorable conversation. I will always remember the pearls of wisdom he sprinkled into our talk.

As he left, I thanked him and silently asked the universe to protect his path ahead for his highest good, to watch over him, help him when he’s ready and willing, and only if he wants, and to let him know he is appreciated by me and my guides.

Thank you Tom, it was an honor to meet you.


The Full moon lunar eclipse in taurus


Welcome to my brain