Welcome to my brain

Whelp. Here we go.

Welcome to Lexie’s brain.. I mean blog. But really, my goal for this blog is to share a collection of things just ruminating within my brain. Thoughts, concepts, stories, ideas, motivation, etc. This is a place for me to share messages from Spirit/Source/Universe, but also my guides and lets be honest… this is for me and you.
Here is where spiritual topics abound and are welcomed. Come here to be entertained, gain ideas, be motivated to do you own healing, and maybe I can make you feel just a little more happy to be here in Earth School. Of course I am referring to the earth we live on. The place we incarnated to experience everything that is humanly possible while also remembering our divine soul and what is possible out there.

I have cultivated lots of information while walking through life. That’s my design. To learn everything, become a master of my interests so that I can utilize them to help the next person and get to the next place. Always moving and shifting into new information and training.

It started with simple things when I was younger like pretending I could control the weather, mixing concoctions in the bathtub with the array of different smelling bath products, pretending I could make fire dance with my attention and focus, pretending I was a mermaid, dolphin, or otter in the pool, and pretending I was shapeshifting into different animals and I galloped on my hands and knees around the house.

I had a deep understanding of animals at a very young age, their energies, their body language, who the ARE. I spent hours with herds of horses, pet any dog or cat I could find, was fascinated by snakes, talked to the eagles that flew above me, and I searched for knowledge that I could gather and store away. I dabbled in art, took classes where I was the youngest in the room, and found a way to express my emotions through art. I then moved on to reading about magical worlds more colorful than my own. I was an avid reader of fantasy and fiction that would get in trouble for reading my book while I hid it below my desk in math class. Equations didn’t hold the same appeal.

My experience and interest then made it’s way towards tools such as crystals, yoga, oracle and tarot cards, books on astrology, animal communication, the Akashic Records, reiki and the elements. Then I found Reiki, or more accurately, reiki found me and I was officially introduced to my first animal guide during my first reiki session when I reached deep meditation. Reiki helped me tune into and turn my gifts up to level 100. I then dove into animal communication and spent college talking to the horses I was working with in class. Feeling as though I was rediscovering a lost are held within me. Like a piece was finally falling into place.

Then came learning how to do Reiki myself and I completed my training to Reiki level 3 by someone who became by best friend and soul sister. Reiki opened up even more doors into my own gifts. I went on to experience the Akashic Records and was trained through initiations and ceremony to read them for myself and others. I’ve experienced immense healings through revisiting past lives of my own and doing the deep work even when I was pulling away from it now and again. Now I read the Akashic Records for others and continuously learn myself. It never ends:)

Everything within me was called to remember and wake up to myself. To realize the soul within and help others do the same. I was pulled to create my own business so that I could utilize my gifts for those that need my help. I’ve worked in partnership with my friend on energy clearings at homes and in businesses, created retreats and workshops, and offer readings in animal communication, animal guide readings, and Akashic Record readings.

So I guess I am asking you here to discover more. More of yourself, more that can come to be. I ask you to relax, have an open mind, and PLEASE don’t take anything if it doesn’t resonate with you. You with all of your beautiful free will and choice can pick and choose what feels good to you. My job is to offer you information like the Gemini/Manifesting Generator I am. So enjoy my fellow soul. Welcome, and stay a while.


the coffee shop stranger