The Full moon lunar eclipse in taurus

November 19, 2021

Ohhh yessss. We have today, November 19th, the second Lunar Eclipse of 2021. This moon is in the sign of Taurus and frankly is here to F shit up! In a deeply transformative and with our highest good in mind, but still…

When we have a Full Moon, there are an abundance of things that come to light. Limited beliefs and emotions that were held deep within us feel the pull to bubble up and be released. This can be fueled by situations in our day to day, interactions with others, and just by doing self-reflection and inner work. I personally believe that all moons are magic, all of the cycles bringing us through a full circle loop and providing us with numerous opportunities to heal, grow, and move forward.

The unique things with today’s moon is that it is the second Lunar Eclipse of the year! When a full moon is paired with a lunar eclipse, all of our emotions are at an energetic peak and the battle between our light and shadow can lead us through a door to dramatic changes in self and our reality, and upheaval of emotions. This is nothing to be scared of! The things we are avoiding to feel are not meant to be held within us and bottled up for too long so we are gifted this opportunity to show ourselves love and acknowledge our feelings.

As we are nearing the end of Scorpio season, we are feeling the energy of Taurus that this full moon brings. To keep things simple, Taurus is a fixed sign. Fixed signs are known for being reliable, persistent, stubborn, and stable. Taurus known for being an anchor of the zodiacs, valuing stability and finding comfort in consistency, valuing honesty, having ambition and mental tenacity, and not shying away from a good days work.

Because this moon is in the sign of Taurus, you may be feeling the challenges of change in your life. You may think about changing jobs, changing relationships with yourself and others, striking out on your own to find more of what makes you happy, facing deep emotions and shifting them to new healing. All of these upheavals and twists and turns are bringing you towards major life change if you are willing and open to better!

Taurus moons often ask you to think about how you are showing up in your life through relationships, career, and self improvement. It also asks you to think about what you are receiving. Because this moon is also an eclipse these energies are ramped up and may be feeling a bit rebellious.

One thing you should know is that NOTHING is ultimately required of you. You aren’t forced to change when a moon is full or if there’s an eclipse. You are given an opportunity and you have free will to choose if you want to lead it or fight any change that is offered to you. Not all change during this moon is bad. Actually, it’s all in your best interest.

Here’s what I’ve been excited to jump into for this post! Here is a direct channeling from Spirit for this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus.

“You have been racking up numerous opportunities perfectly crafted and designed to get you closer to your dreams. I know it can be scary and it may feel like jumping off a ledge when you feel the energies shift and hold this power. You are 100% capable of the changes that welcome you. Everything we bring into your reality is choices. Choices to stay or go, to create or destroy, to run forward or pause. What calls to your soul? We ask that you don’t fight what you feel is right within you. No matter what others say around you, you know what direction to take. It is in your soul. Be quiet and listen. Then take action. Action forward can be small step towards change or just an accepting of your truth in your soul. Knowing what you want and deciding it’s yours is enough. We are here to help, reach out to us in your time of distress.”

Here are some journal prompts to help you move through this energy with peace.

~ What am I holding onto that is taking place of something that is waiting to be received?

~ How can I show up in my relationships with more love and peace?

~ What within me yearns for change?

~ If I could take any step forward right now, what would it be towards?

~ What in my heart is a desire that is ready to take action forward?

~ How can I bring more peace into my life?

~ Why have I been waiting and holding back from change?

~ What do I need in order to feel ready for change and movement forward?

~ How do I need to show myself love through this energy?

Remember that this moon energy is going to feel different to everyone. If you need to hibernate and reflect while doting on yourself, do it. If you need to get shit done and work on projects that have been calling to you, do it. The only thing that is important is following your intuition. You have Spirit’s permission to do what is right for YOU.


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the coffee shop stranger