the Why of Dragons

Next in our Dragon series, the WHY of Dragons!

Why do they seek you out? Why are they worth connecting with?

It’s kind of hard for me to put into words all that I’ve experienced of working with Dragons. Or how my life has changed since they came to me.

I sound crazy sometimes, I get that. I thought it was nuts when a large Dragon smooshed their head through my window while I was meditating on “what’s my next step” lol

Doing any type of healing or growth is not a linear path, it’s not always a clear one. Dragons are not for everyone and working with them is not always easy.

But I would not change anything.

When Dragons start making their way into your awareness and they start popping up in your books, tv and movies, your commute to work, social media posts, art, during meditations, or whatever, (they have odd ways of getting your attention, I have experienced the weirdest things) it can be easy to overlook these instances.

I’ve learned not to ignore these “coincidences”. (I don’t believe coincidences are all that common actually)

You might not think these moments are significant but if you have a curiosity in Dragons and then start seeing recurring signs or reminders of them, you may be overlooking an invitation from the Dragons. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on initially.

I had all the questions.

Why are they here? What do they want from me? Can I trust them?

I built up a trusting two way relationship with them just like I did with my other spiritual guides. Except they challenged me a lot more. Their passion felt the closest to my own. I recognized my own fire in theirs.

Like I mentioned in the last blog, the Who of Dragons (​see here​), anyone can connect with them but they invite those they would like to work with or who they feel are ready for what they have to teach.

They do their best to get your attention! In a world where we don’t always live in the Now or we are easily distracted by LIFE, we just miss the ways that Spirit and our guides try to communicate with us.

In that case, they work through others. Like me for example.

I seriously enjoy offering ​Dragon Sessions​ and leading ​Dragon Summer.​ I get to not only participate and experience it with you but I also get to help lead you through.

They have asked me to be a channel to help spread word that they are around us and are calling us to learn more. They have asked me to step up and offer ways to connect with them that are focused on truth, sovereignty, free will, joy, and knowing Self.

I currently am in an active initiation led by them for 164 days now. I am doing all I can to prepare for leading you through Dragon Summer again.

Why would you want to learn more about the Dragons and what they have to teach?

They are warriors, they are wisdom holders. They are well versed in creation and destruction. They have been partners in our search for better lives, for more truth, for joy, a better world, they have helped many people come back home to themselves.

I have grown as a friend, a sister, a girlfriend, a business person, and more. IN ALL WAYS I have expanded to hold more joy, to see possibilities, to hold my shadow and heal from trauma.

I have been guided through loss and grief, through union and loving. I have been shown a Dragon way to healing and LIVING. And it’s so damn refreshing.

Does that mean I’m better than others that haven’t worked with Dragons? Fuck no.

But I am a better me.

Dragons are my way forward. And I am hoping to find and build a community with people that choose this way forward too.

In a world where life can be tough sometimes, I like having the Dragons at my side.

The Dragons have the wisdom to help us break hurtful patterns, to break illusions, to gather and cultivate our skills. There are numerous ways to work with Dragons but they want to work specifically with YOU and how you are designed. Meeting you at the place you are right now.

The Dragons have power and can help you find more of your own. By seeing how they work with their energy you will be able to find your own ways of doing the same.

The Dragons have the care to be our biggest allies. They want you to succeed, they want you to win, they want you to do and be your very best.

So when you see them inviting you to work with them, they have a reason.

And they know they can help you.

That’s why.


Dragon Summer is now open for enrollment through June 22nd @ midnight CST

With our Opening Gathering June 24th, time TBD

We meet weekly for 8 weeks. Moving through teachings and healings together and supporting each other through collaboration. Support from me is always available.

Dragon Summer

Payment plans available and our weekly meeting time is voted on by all participants once joined.


the When of Dragons


the Who of Dragons