the When of Dragons

I plan to keep this post of the series short because I just fell out of my hammock. And while it was fucking hilarious (to my dogs also) my side is spitting fire and I can only sort of focus. Time to call my Dragons for some healing energy lol

When do we feel ready to take a new path forward with our guides and Dragons? When does it feel right to start the next thing, face the next phase of life? When do you feel ready?

I can't answer this for you. I've never felt 100% ready before.

I've heard many things:

"You'll never be ready so take that first step."

"You'll know when" (not mad about this one, I say it about our intuition and our animals say it but it's vague)

"Being ready is an illusion"

"No one is ever ready"

And whatever.

So let me tell you what the Dragons have to say about when you are "ready". Let me translate as best I can because it's not always possible for me to put into words the energy and emotion that they communicate along with their words. It's layered, but read on for what they have to say.

"There are moments in true stillness and in true awareness of Self where you will know the answer to When?

The answer to When? Is at the point where you know deep within you (in spite of your fear, that likes to reject this Knowing) that there is no turning back for you, there is no alternative that feels right, there is no way other than forward. You will not always feel 100% ready and your logical mind might convince you otherwise but stick to listening to your Knowing.

"When you are ready" feels like excitement in your chest, perhaps nervous anticipation of all that lies ahead.

"When you are ready" feels like the moment you have relinquished control on the outcome, and have decided to trust. You trust that you'll get wherever you're going and by your own unique means.

Us Dragons don't wonder about "when we are ready". We stay connected to our Knowing and Do when it says Now. We do not pause our action forward and become a victim to doubt.

Us Dragons know that when you are ready you will not have all the wisdom for the path forward. You won't see every turn or feel prepared for every bump. But you will have what you need to move through. There is also always space for joy, fun, love, community.

It is very human to not feel ready for all that you will experience. Don't forget you evolve as you go along. Your growth is absolute and you are capable every step of the way.

"When you are ready" will not always be clear. In your wonder and confusion of the "right timing" make sure to stay sovereign and decide for yourself.

To work with us is a gift and it's an honor to be by your side. We were with you before and are yearning to meet as souls again.

Your first test is asking yourself what your response to our invitation is. Sit with yourself and check in with your Knowing. Feel into when and we will be here."

~ The Dragons

Looking back I have never felt 100% ready. But I've always known when my gut said Now. Understand that feeling ready isn't a requirement of taking action.

I started working with the Dragons when my Knowing said it was time. I also brought forward Dragon Summer when my Knowing said it was time.

Both of those moments had me sweating as I sat on the floor, nervous as to how it would work. I had what I call the "soul shakes" because it felt like the next step completely. I kept moving forward and created Dragon Summer.

Dragon Summer will be open to join until June 22nd at midnight CST. There is plenty of time to tap into that beautiful Knowing of yours and to hear from your Dragons.

Dragon Summer

The previous post in this series was the ​WHY​.

How comes next. How do I work with them? How does this improve my life? How do I start?

Stay posted for "the How of Dragons"


The How of Dragons


the Why of Dragons