The How of Dragons

Here's our last post of the "What Who Why When How of Dragons" series.

If you missed the previous post, the When of Dragons, check it out ​here​.

I'll be back with more dragon stuff but for now let's talk about the How of Dragons.

It's sometimes hard to explain what working with Dragons can encompass. I try my best to make sure their messages keep their meaning and potency but also help make it make sense to our human selves.

I like to make sure that I am teaching things in a way that is extremely approachable and for any experience level to learn. I want learning from me and working together to feel like you have a good friend to reflect and share with.

I bring ideas, practical steps, human perspective and community.

The Dragons bring the mystery and the magic.

In a Dragon ​Session​, Dragon Energy Healing ​workshop​, or in ​Dragon Summer ​we're going to expand what you think is possible. When you expand what you think is possible, you are able to hold more, do more, expect more.

How I work with dragons is unique to myself. And you will learn your own unique way from your dragons as well. I like to use what I learned from them in my everyday life.

~ They are with me in conversations with friends and family showing me how to best support my loved ones and navigate tough conversations with them, to help me decide how to nourish my body, to help me shift my energy, to guide me through shadow work.

~ To help me cleanse my home and transmute and remove what needs to go.

~ In client sessions they help me with grounding before working with others, holding space and creating containers to work within, and offering their records of wisdom for ideas on ways to help.

~ They make me slow down and see the beauty and where I am and where I'm going. The special moments in everyday life.

~ They help me connect and tune into nature, they give guidance on how to support my projects, my business.

~ They help with manifesting and accomplishing goals.

~ They are who I turn to when I feel lost and questioning. Needing to be reminded of what's important.

~ They provide fierce protection in many ways.

~ They push me to grow and they guide me when I want to burn it all down.

~ They humble me immensely.

~ They celebrate my light but don't shy from my darkness.

~ They remind me to be in my body, living my human experience, and stay in the present moment. But they are also down to go for a fly and explore.

Could I have done all this without them? Maybe. I will definitely take credit for the work I have done but I will also give them credit for their support.

How you work with them will depend on you.

"As long as your heart and mind are open, there's no limit to how you will experience us."

~ The Dragons

In Dragon Summer, my 8 week Dragon experience, I walk with you as you learn and grow your relationship with your Dragons. I'll give you ways to mesh your everyday life with their magic. I'll show you how to live in both worlds. Work with your magic and theirs.

Enrollment closes at midnight CST on June 22nd.

Dragon Summer

A testimonial from the last Dragon Summer:

"How in the fuck do I describe Dragon Summer? Because I had no idea what to expect going in. I thought, this sounds right, I trust Lexie, let's do this. I checked in with my Knowing and it said "hell yes". It was life changing, it was unexpected. It was hard at times because I was challenged but it was so good. It's not something to easily put into words. I talk about dragons with my kid, they show up in every Reiki session I do adding to the experience. I wouldn't have those things and I wouldn't know what I know without Dragon Summer. It changed things for me in the most amazing way."

Dragon Summer is one of a kind! If you are still deciding or have questions then reach out. We will be here🐉💜


A note from Spirit


the When of Dragons