the Who of Dragons

A part of my What Who Why When How of Dragons series! We recently went over the What of Dragons. If you missed it, it’s over here.

Let’s talk about who can connect and work with Dragons.

​Short answer, anyone is capable.​

First let me remind you of the fact that everyone has intuition and holds the ability to work with energy. You are constantly responding to energy without realizing it, you are also shifting it without realizing it. When you learn how to intentionally tap into it, more possibilities are available to you and you can work with energy in amazing ways.

So because everyone can tap into energy and frequencies, you can connect into Dragon frequency. Whether it’s Dragon energy, your own Dragon guides, or while in a session or teaching with me, you can work with them.

The practice of tapping into them is simple, like flexing a muscle. Everyone will experience Dragons in a unique way and so it’s wise to remember that there are multiple ways for intuition to “translate”.

You have heard of the “clairs”. These are ways you are able to interpret energy.

Keep in mind that as you learn and gain experience you will be able to play with the ways you interpret Dragons. If you can’t see through your mind’s eye initially (clairvoyance), know that it’s possible to learn it. I don’t believe you are only capable of one way and can’t learn the others. I don’t believe in that limitation.

In my Animal Communication Integration course and in private coaching/training I talk about the Clairs and how to strengthen them.

Ok so anyone can connect with them but…

The thing you have to understand about working with the dragons (and what they have explained to me) is that they will call you. They will invite you to work with them.​

Whether it’s a curiosity that burns within you, an interest in them that stems all the way from your youth, or like I experienced, a Dragon seeking me out and telling me it’s time, they will approach you and call you in. At least every Dragon I have worked with has said so.

So though they have shared that everyone is capable, not everyone has a Dragon guide or is called.

This is because Dragons are… intense. They aren’t lax in their ethics, they aren’t lenient in their boundaries, they push you out of your comfort zone big time, they push you to challenge and trust, and they generally have a stoicism about them because they are responsible for a lot. THEY are a lot.

Not everyone out there is ready to work with them. Not everyone is ready to respect them.​

Please understand that what I share next is not putting anyone on a pedestal. It’s not a judgment of self or a personal dig. It is just an observation they have shared with me.

Many Dragons have said, “Not everyone is worthy.” When talking about working with them.

I know that is going to hit a lot of people in their shadow self. It may feel like a harsh judgment. It may feel like a separation between self and others but PLEASE pause to understand that they are talking about people’s energy management, ethics, and awareness and it’s in no way a personal judgment or separation.

They are saying that some people may not be ready at one time or another to work and hold the energy and RESPONSIBILITY of working with them.​

I think if everyone on this planet was ready to work with Dragons, our world would be a whole lot different.​

Dragons are blunt. They are straight to the point and they will say what they mean and they will not tiptoe around you. (The Gemini and Leo placements in me loves that lol)

If you are here and reading this, I don’t doubt that you are ready. I have a strong ability to repel people who aren’t meant to work with me and I attract people that are either soul family or that I can help in some way. I attract people that are ready or wanting my insight an who may be on a similar point on their path as I am.

If I work with Dragons and am being led to teach with them, chances are that you are ready for it:) This is what Dragon Summer is about.

​Dragons attract people that are conscious of their energetic responsibility. People that have faced their shadow in one way or another. People that are willing to face their shit and do the work. People that have high standards and respect for working with energy, theirs or others. People that are trusting and eager to learn.

​The Dragons always say, “There is no giving into fear allowed.” You can feel fear, you WILL feel fear, you WON’T let it break you.

To work with Dragons means you have to be comfortable with the idea of being out of your comfort zone. To try things that feel scary. To learn how to enforce your boundaries in all ways.

The Dragons are clear that they will scare away all those that aren’t ready. They will be successful in this. But are you going to run screaming or are you going to feel the fear anyway as you stare right back?

What they teach will challenge you, but the rewards are insane.

I’m happy to share that Dragon Summer is open for enrollment until June 22nd, 2024! Let's say that I wasn't expecting to open it at this time but the Dragons were ready NOW even if I wasn't lol

It's my second time leading this and I have even more to teach.

Dragon Summer

Dragon Summer is where I share the Dragon’s teachings and where we train and play. Work hard, play hard they say. They are eager to be beside you when you tap into your Life Fires, when you gain your wings, when you transmute aspects of yourself and bring them home to Self.


the Why of Dragons


The What of Dragons