The What of Dragons

What are dragons? Like WTF are you taking about Lex?

Before you decide to work with Dragons, you’ll probably wonder what they are? Like what do I actually mean when I talk about Dragons?

Dragons are my original teacher. I did not go and work with a “mystical dragon master”. I couldn’t even find a person that knew what I was talking about in regards to dragons. It was all new to others as it was new to me.

I was initiated by Spirit. There’s no other way to explain it. I was in meditation within my Akashic Records one day, visiting within another lifetime. Dragons became a part of my journeying and I asked if I could continue to connect with them. They said they had called me, it was time to work with them, and it was the start of my learning from them. I was invited.

Here’s what I know:

~ Dragons are vibrationally along the same level as Angels if not “higher” dimensionally. We don’t have literal 3D dragons walking around. Although there’s some conspiracy theory floating around about dinosaurs being dragons lol, let's not get into that.

In our 3D world, dragon energy is felt within our crocodiles, alligators, snakes, and other reptiles. I’ve felt Dragons in old water caves, in the mountains, and many other places.

~ Dragons are not evil or bad. There’s lots of myths, legends, and stories of dragons being the ones that have to be slayed and destroyed. Dragons represent the shadow aspects of self but they aren’t evil or the enemy as they are often depicted. Dragons are in connection with Divine and Source energy.

The dark feminine or shadow feminine, the one with righteous anger, the wild woman that is tempered by others who don’t understand or accept her power is in connection to the Dragons.

This is one aspect of self. Just as we all hold masculine and feminine energy within us for balance, we also hold the shadow aspects of those.

Dragons know how to work with all of it.

I have encountered dragons that have not had my highest good in mind. Or ones that have worked with someone with not so kind intentions. Very recently I had someone try and fuck with me energetically in that way. Nice try babes.

Much like there are people, spiritual beings, deities, and energies that have your highest good in mind, there are some that don’t.

~ Dragons are connected to the higher planes and span more than our world. They are keepers of the Flame of Life, our internal fires, and are divine warriors, wisdom holders, magic wielders, and more.

~ There are many kinds of dragons, different “styles” and types all depending on their origins. Origins being planes of existence, cultures, planets, realities, etc.

In our world we see many types of dragons in entertainment. They have different numbers of legs and wings and even heads.

The Dragons I work with have mainly four legs and two wings. Not sure why these are the most common for me to work with personally but they are. I have definitely worked with different types with different anatomy when working with clients.

No matter the culture and anatomy of the dragons in that culture we are talking about Dragons when connecting with them.

Do I get annoyed at modern media and popular books showing wyverns (two wings, two legs) depicted as dragons (two wings, four legs)? Yes, yes I do.

But when we are connecting to Dragon energy or to our own dragons it matters less.

Dragon energy is Dragon energy.

This is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Dragons.

Feel like something you want to connect with? Check out my Dragon Sessions!

We will be going so much deeper in my coming experience, Dragon Summer. Curious? More info to come!

Keep a look out for the next blog post "the WHO of Dragons" in this series.


the Who of Dragons


Let’s call A what now?