Let’s call A what now?

I believe that healing is constant. I believe that it's not always HARD to do but it takes effort.

I believe that you can heal yourself. I believe that healers and guides can show you how to heal yourself. But I do believe that no one can heal you and do all the work for you. Your healing is your responsibility. And you are super duper capable!

When you are called to heal something within you, it is at that point you already have all you need to help yourself.

But if you don't know HOW, that's another thing entirely. Then it may be right for you to reach out for a guiding hand.

When we work together, it's not always because you are reaching out to heal. (Although that's an amazing reason and a common one) You reach out to find joy and have fun and create new experiences along with Spirit. I am here for that! Recently it's been the Dragon fun I've been sharing about. Continue reading ;)

Let's think of your life like this:

You are planning to go on a hike. A long one and you don't exactly know the path or where it goes. You've walked it before but not this exact one. You don't know how steep it will be or what the terrain will be. You don't know exactly what you are bringing with you but you are SO EXCITED for the opportunity to go on this hike. There's going to be so much to see! So much to experience!

You can see support on the sidelines at all times. You recognize some faces, some are animals that you feel a rush of love for as your eyes move over them. You even see a large scaled head in the back of the group?

They are so eager to watch you as you go and when you take that first step, that first breath forward, that sideline support matches your pace, sharing encouragement, suggesting different directions, working to fulfill your wishes. The sideline support is your spiritual team.

In the first part of the path you can see your sideline support at all times, the sides of the path are relatively clear. The path is pretty flat and even. There might be some rocks but your boots are brand new and you can't even feel the rocks under your feet.

Eventually as you go you start to get further along. There are now more bushes along the sides of your path, it's a bit harder to see your sideline support. You are breathing steady. You step over small sticks and move around small puddles.

You've walked for a while now, your boots are scuffed and have relaxed around your feet. Your pack is heavy from all of the beautiful rocks you've gathered as you've walked. You have flowers sticking out of every pocket. You carry gifts from people you've met along the path. They were also hiking.

There was support walking with you alongside the path before. Where are they? The path you are on is now sheltered by tall and dense trees on both sides. They hang over the path giving you shade from the sun. At night it can be scary and you wonder when you became scared of the dark? You never seemed to be before but you feel more alone now. You look behind you at the easier path but it disappears so you know that the only way is forward through the trees.

Your path moves along and you reach the first incline. A few branches have fallen but you step over them and continue on your way. You don't Know anything other than the fact that you have to keep walking. But the path is harder now, you're sweating a bit and your breathing is louder. You wish you had companions on this hike or someone to carry you uphill. Maybe there's an animal to carry you? Guess not, you have to take every step. Something deep within you knows this as truth. But you do wish there was help. You thought you had support once but it was so far back the last time you saw them that you don't believe they continued with you.

Your steps slow when you reach a huge fallen tree. Your feet come to a stop in front of it and you look up. It's huge and there's no way you can keep walking. You have to do something about this. It's so disappointing because there doesn't seem to be a way around it and you know that you can't stop walking and you can't step off the path. There's only forward. You wonder how much longer this path will take to walk but you did enjoy it so far. You've seen so many beautiful things. This tree however is a problem. You look around you and glimpse someone you think you recognize but it's hard to tell in the shade of the trees. Suddenly hands push out another human from the trees along your path. A human stumbles forward and though surprised, you greet them with relief. Maybe they have an idea for how to deal with the tree. Maybe they will do the work for you!

The person tells you that she's a healer, a guide along the path. She says she can help you continue along your path.

At this point you hope that this healer will magically remove the tree or hack it down as you stand there and watch. Maybe burn it? But you don't know how to work with fire yet. You don't know what to do about removing monstrous sized trees so you put it in the her hands.

You trust the healer to do the work so you sit down on your path to take a break.

The healer looks at the tree, closes her eyes, and is silent for a time. She finally opens her eyes and turns to you to say, "Alright, are you ready?"

You're confused, "Ready for what?"

She looks at you with a soft smile, "My Knowing tells me what we need to do to get you started on your path again but I can't do it all for you. I can guide you through it but you have to do the work."

You're shocked because you've been walking for so long and the tree is so big. It seems impossible. You feel overwhelmed and ask, "How? How are we going to move this? I have no tools and I am too tired to climb over it and I can't go around. What if it rolls on me? What if I get hurt? It's impossible, what do we do?"

This healer has helped many hikers. She knows what it's like for the hikers to need her help for the first time. They are always so new and there's always some fear. Sometimes the feel defeated, desperate for guidance but so weary and they don't know what help is available to them along this path.

She looks at them all with love and compassion because she too is on her own path. Her support has pushed her along this hiker's path like they've done before. She's willing to help them if they accept her help but they have to trust. She won't push them. She knows what it's like. Her path has been challenging. So challenging but she found her support again after feeling they were lost. She guesses that this hiker has support of their own to remember. She knows they can get them back. She did. And she has gone forward always, gone through always, she wouldn't be here otherwise, she wouldn't know them otherwise.

She knows what it is to want help and for someone to do it for her. She knows what it's like to be tired. To believe there's no way forward. She has met hikers that haven't been ready to do the work. She's met hikers that haven't wanted help but have wanted to sit stuck for a time. She remembers the first time a healer and guide met her along her path. She too didn't quite believe what to think but she tried and she trusted. Now she's able to help others.

The healer looks at you and says, "I can help you by showing you ways. Ways to call on your support, ways to believe in possibilities, ways to strengthen your mind, ways to trust in the path you're on, ways to grow and heal, ways to reclaim and remember your power."

You don't know what this woman is saying. She sounds nuts. Maybe she's been in the woods too long. She seems to believe wholly in what she's saying so you decide to trust her and accept her help.

"Ok, show me then. I'm ready."

Her eyes go bright as she focuses them on yours. Her mouth forms a wide smile as she says, "Then let's call your Dragon."

Dragon Sessions are one way of bringing healing and joy to your path.

I would love to guide you in reuniting with your Dragons. I can show you the ways you can work with them but remember it's your experience and your path.

Check out the Sessions tab above to book a Dragon Session.


The What of Dragons


10 things your animals want you to know