10 things your animals want you to know

I have gathered a list of some things your animals do not want you to doubt or forget ever again! These are the things your animal wishes that you could hear from them every day!

This list has been created by animals from my communication readings, animals I have met in nature, and from my own animals as well.

1) Your animal loves you and knows that you love them.

Yes, this one should be obvious but sometimes we still doubt if our animals really love us. YES! They do. Animals are capable of feeling such pure levels of love. Because animals are uniquely connected and tapped in to source energy, they are able to feel love in a very untainted way. Their love has no bias, no judgement, and there is nothing keeping them from accessing love. You may notice that even the animals with rough and harmful pasts still have the ability to show and receive love. Your animals never want you to doubt their love for you. Love is hardwired into all of us.

2) Your animal is grateful for everything you do for them.

Animals are a lot more aware than most people give them credit for. Your animal is completely aware that you value them and support them. They know that you sacrifice and shift things around for them and they notice the effort you put in for them to live a comfortable life. They want you to know that you are appreciated and that they notice your efforts and are grateful for you. You think of them as your family and your animals think the same of you! They are so grateful and feel honored to know you!

3) You were divinely chosen to be in your animal's life.

The connection with a loved animal is sometimes impossible to describe. They are our family, our kids, our friends, and just as we have divine purpose and soul connections, our animals do too. You were chosen to be a loved soul connection to your pet. To guide them, keep them safe, raise them, and be there for their passing. You were chosen to meet them, exchange learning lessons, and to be partners in your evolution and growth. You are beyond special and you are meant to know them just as they were meant to know you. If you are curious about what your purposes are in each other's lives, this is a great question for a reading and can give guidance on how you two can work together to fulfill that purpose.

4) Your animals are here to help you along your path just as you are here to help them.

Have you ever felt that an animal has come into your life at just the right time? Or for just the right reason? They have! Your animal was being perfectly created and brought into your life for your growth as well as their own. You are the perfect person for that animal for the time you spend with them. They are destined to meet you and you both have some amazing things to accomplish together. Even if you weren't there for their whole life, maybe you knew them for the day, your meeting wasn't coincidence, it was meant to be. Our animals are able to help us learn life lessons, learn new skills, and gain new experiences. They are able to teach us something that no one else could have. You are also able to be the person to your animal that no one else could be. You gift them with your unique self and they learn and grow with your help. It is a partnership.

5) Your animals forgive you.

For all of those times where you may not have known any better, known enough, were still learning, made mistakes, or had a bad day, your animals forgive you. Animals don't see any reason to live with baggage. They do their best to move forward and see the value in forgiving and moving on. Most are very eager to forgive. Some animals that have suffered trauma need help and assistance before they are able to forgive. But all that our animals ask of us is that we try harder, make efforts to be better, and learn from our mistakes. You are always free to ask them for their forgiveness.

6) Your animals know that you aren't responsible for their past, and that you are helping them heal.

A lot of our animals have pasts that we have only guessed about. Some animals we have known for their whole lives. Sometimes we know them to be filled with struggle and trauma and sometimes we just don't have a clue what happened before they came to us. Whatever their experience was, most of them are aware that we are not responsible for their past and we don't plan to repeat it. When an animal is given a safe space and is healing from trauma, they are relying on you for support. They recognize this and thank you for being their rock and source of love and care. Some have expressed that they know themselves to be lots of work and that they require lots of sacrifice from their people and so they are very grateful for the help and the new chance to live a happy life!

7) Your animals don't want or need you to pity them.

Our animals think that pity is a waste of time. Animals don't want pity and don't need it to move forward. It is often our guilt about a situation or our actions, or our love and drive to protect them that can turn into pity. They ask that we strive to look forward as they do. If we are able to move past their trauma, injuries, or history, like they are trying to do, it will help them to move forward and heal as well. When we pity our animals we are holding them in a helpless energy and preventing them from growing.

8) Your animals want to have fun with you.

Life is not just about going through the motions, working a job, and getting old. Life is for living! Your animals want you to experience joy and adventure with them! They want to help you have fun and see the joy in simple things. A pup cup through the drive thru, a mud puddle to splash in, a 5 minute car ride, it all can be fun! Fun can be made anywhere and be had by anyone. I've had lots of senior animals remind their people that just because they are older and slower that doesn't mean that they can't still let loose and have fun! The fun may look different to what they enjoyed as younger animals but let them show you! Your animals can have fun on their own but they'd rather enjoy life with you.

9) Your animals want you to stop taking everything so seriously.

Your animals are aware that life can have it's ups and downs. They are aware of the realities of life but the difference is that they choose to see things a little less seriously. Lot's of animals like to remind their person that the simple joys in life are most important. Your animals are professionals at experiencing simple joy and are eager to experience them with you so you can take life a little less seriously. Your animals aren't judging you for the bad things happening in your life. Instead they ask, "How could you see this differently? How could you view this so that it's less of a problem?" They are big believers in the power of energy and how things can change when you shift your perspective.

10) Your animals are so much more than you know.

Your animals are so much more than you know and are capable of far more than you may imagine. Many, many people on this earth think that animal are basic and have simple instincts, wants, needs, and that the require nothing but food, water, and shelter to survive and thrive. THIS IS SO FREAKING WRONG!!! Animals have a broad awareness. I'll say that again. ANIMALS HAVE A BROAD AWARENESS. Meaning, they have an awareness and connection to source energy. The energy that is within you and I. The energy that runs through this earth and connects EVERYTHING. Your animals have the ability to tap into that. Just like humans, they can have special gifts and access special levels of consciousness. They are incredibly powerful and really it is an injustice to underestimate them. They have simple wants and needs like we do but they also have complex emotions and understanding like we do. They are up there on the list of beings that are able to help you evolve your energy and grow spiritually. Trust them, watch them, learn from them. Let them lead you.

Thank you for reading and for opening your heart to these messages from the animals.

They helped me create this list and were very eager to share. They trust that you will take these 10 things to heart.


Let’s call A what now?


5 Steps to Communicate with Animals