Psychic Predictions vs Free WIll

When you have a session with me, whether it’s for animal communication, an intuitive session, going within the Akashic Records, you are getting a lot of information and insight. That information and insight is largely channeled from Source, your guides, your higher self, and is very divine or profound. You also get the human perspective from me, all of my experience, wisdom, and insight that then shows you how to apply it.

If you’ve ever gone to a shaman, intuitive, psychic, mystic, whatever they choose to call themselves, it’s normal to not quite resonate with everything they say. We are channeling so much information and energy that there is bound to be something where you go ‘Uh, maybe not me.’ or ‘I guess so…’ but not feel it in your gut.

We aren’t the know-it-alls literally. We don’t have the ‘correct answer for everything’ all the time because really there is only the right answer for you and your life. When a psychic makes a prediction for your path or channels information, they are largely working off of the energy they feel from you when they connect with your energy along with the mindset you come with to the session. The same way we can’t predict the future for you 100% because you have the chance to go out and change your mind and change your steps, then change your future.

Then of course there are people that come to a session closed off and really not open to hearing what messages come through. That’s your choice and free will working. If you don’t want to hear it and don’t want to know, I won’t be able to give you much.

If you come ready and open (and excited I hope!) you will have no shortage of information for me to give you.

Free will is not something that intuitives can silence or work around in order to get information. Meaning, we can’t pause your free will so that we can tell you one thing and then you experience that one thing without a doubt. You are always changing your mind, changing your energy, changing your path. It is all your choice and only yours.

What we can do is tell you where you are headed with the energy and mindset that you have at that moment. If you continue abc you might find yourself experiencing xyz. Like ‘If you continue to think this way, then you will see more of this result show up.’ Kinda like Spirit’s way of saying ‘Fuck around and find out.’

That’s the beauty of free will and choice. You can receive help from all kinds of sources but ultimately your path is all up to you and you can change it anytime you like.

Don’t worry about other people manipulating your free will. It can’t be manipulated. Not even by a psychic. Your mind and your energy and more is YOURS to rule. No one can make you think one way or feel another. And if you think they can then you are giving them permission to and you are lying to yourself. Reclaim your free will and choice, your sovereignty, and understand that you get what you ask for.

Some final words for you from Spirit:

Your path has always been your own. There have been moments where you have given up your power and you may have looked to us like a child asks its mother to take care of them and fix what’s hard. We can guide you but we can’t do life for you. Look to yourself. Lean on others for guidance. You chose to tread this path and you may not understand why but right now that is unnecessary to know. Instead, know that you are right where you have chosen to be. You are right where truth, insight, and magic are ripe for you to pick. You are worthy of everything you desire and you have as much right as anyone else to receive it. Your thoughts are yours to choose. Choose to change your mindset. But don’t choose just once. Choose the next day and the next day and the next until you see your reality change. You have the power to do this but if the way forward seems unclear, reach out to others that have gone before you.

If you are ready to change your mindset but aren’t sure how, I can help with that:) Book a session above.


Reiki for Animals


our pets as spiritual guides