Reiki for Animals

Have you ever experienced Reiki? Has an animal of yours ever experienced Reiki?

Reiki is a form of energy work that channels universal life force energy (the energy of the universe, divine energy) to the person receiving Reiki in order to promote healing on all levels, offer deep relaxation, reduced stress, emotional release and balancing, energy balancing, and overall well-being for the recipient. It doesn’t require close proximity, and because Reiki energy isn’t bound by time and space, it is very versatile and easy to offer over vast distances.

I have moved through Level III of Reiki, which is to say I have trained with Reiki Masters and experienced and professional practitioners of Reiki. There is a beauty in learning the history and the value of this energy healing modality, and you can gain a lot from learning from someone that has the experience to teach it.

Many learn Reiki to use on themselves or a pet, and learning it doesn't mean you have to offer it as a healing service. It can just be one more tool in your own toolbox for overall well-being. In Reiki, there is also a focus on removing blockages and restoring balance to the body's chakras. This allows your energy to move and flow like it’s meant to. A great thing to add to your meditation practice!

Reiki energy itself is not something that can be mismanaged. You should never worry about Reiki having ulterior motives or agendas. It is neutral in that sense and it moves on its own to the areas of the body where it is needed. This is why it is important that you find a practitioner that is experienced with Reiki, who knows that they act as a bridge for the energy, not the controller of it, and who won’t influence your session with their own energy.

Reiki is not so different when it comes to animals. Any animal can benefit from Reiki including your pets, farm animals, and even wildlife. It may help alleviate stress of a big life change, any anxiety (think of rescued pets that hold past trauma), physical discomfort, energy that isn’t flowing as it should, reduction of stress, moving through grief, and may help them recover from illness or injury.

I will offer Reiki during animal communication sessions when it’s clear the animal could use some support or if they ask to receive Reiki during our session.

When offering Reiki to an animal, the approach is a little different. Humans can say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ and easily communicate their consent to receive Reiki. And unless you can communicate with animals and ask for their consent, you often have to rely on their behavior. This is why when offering Reiki to an animal I always tell them what I am doing before I offer Reiki. After explaining what it is, I start offering Reiki and say something like, “Take what you want and leave the rest.” Oftentimes the animal will come closer to me to receive, or just visibly relax and stay put. Giving them the choice to receive or ‘leave the rest’ just allows that energy to be released back to the universe instead of being used by the animal. When they are done receiving the Reiki you may notice them move away from you or change in behavior. You can then thank them and end the Reiki session.

If an animal decides not to receive Reiki, allow them the space to move away. They may do this before you even start offering it. Respect their wishes and move on. It's essential for practitioners of animal Reiki to be attuned to the animals' cues and respect their boundaries during sessions. It’s also very important to work alongside veterinarians to contribute to your pets well-being and care as Reiki does not replace professional medical care.

The last time I offered Reiki to my cat, she told me that I was better off sending it to both of us because we both seemed like we could use it! No statement was more true. It’s the perfect cuddle and bonding activity.

Reiki is an amazing way to support your pet. I have had a lot of animals benefit from Reiki and the results have been amazing! No more peeing outside the litter box, less separation anxiety when the humans go to work, more cohesive living environments between all the pets in a household, fast recovery times after surgery, ease of pain, smooth transition for the pet as they move into a new home, animals relaxing at their vet's office, shelter, or groomer, and more.

If you are hesitant to plan for your pet to receive Reiki, I suggest having a Reiki session yourself! You will experience firsthand what it’s like to receive this healing modality. If you are looking for some practitioner suggestions, I have a few! Send me an email (hit Connect above) and I’ll connect you.

Have you or a pet ever experienced Reiki before? What did you think? Feel free to share your experience with me or ask any questions by hitting Connect above.


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