our pets as spiritual guides

I am sure there are times where you feel incredibly lucky to have been brought together with your pets. I feel this all the time. I also often think about how sometimes it seems so divinely orchestrated when we meet our pet for the first time or when they support us during a challenging part of life or save us in some way. As if they were meant to be there. As if they are also acting as one of our spiritual guides.

Along with our Spiritual team, which is made up of beings like our guardian angels, animal guides, ancestors and others, we can include the pets that share our bed and like to lick our plates as part of this divine team.

The only difference being that they are physically here with us. This doesn’t make them any less divine. It actually means they might have a very big duty as a protector, comforter, friend, teacher, or a job that requires them to be earth side with us. Being our companion isn’t their only life purpose. Animals have their own meanings to life, their own lessons and experiences to move through. We happen to sometimes also be a part of their growth and learning. Just like how we are going through our lives and evolving with them at our side, they experience this too.

My cat Franklin takes her role as my familiar, friend, and grounding presence very seriously. She communicates with my guides in Spirit when she needs to or when they have input that would support her goals. They have told her how to get certain desires of her own across to me, they have helped in communication between us when it was coming up fuzzy, and they have helped her clear or balance her energy like they do with me.

In a unique way, our pets are part of our guiding team but also our family and our friends. They have a unique perspective of life and they bring really valuable insight to any situation. They lay themselves bare and don’t hide how they feel, it’s written in their face or body language. Their higher selves are as deeply knowing as ours are and they are very finely in tune to their emotions and intuition.

Learning to view our pets as more divine and aware beings will only support their goals and our own in this life.

I suggest we try our hardest to reframe the idea of animals being simple and not understanding us and instead remember that they are as divine as we are and just as intricate. If you don’t think they understand what you say to them (which they do) they certainly understand your emotions, body language, and vocal tone.

Give your pet a kiss or a hug (or both) today and thank them for whatever part they play in your life. Maybe go and get them a pup cup too:)

If you are curious about learning how to talk to your own pets, check out Animal Communication Integration, my 8 week animal communication course!


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