My intuition saved me twice yesterday

Have you ever just felt a clear feeling or hear a whisper to do something that doesn't make a lot of sense? And when you chose to follow it you ended up benefiting from that whisper?

That's your intuition! Many call it your "gut feeling" but it's your inner knowing and it is never wrong. If you follow that pull and decide to trust it, it will always pay off!

The trick is to be tuned into your intuition, check in with yourself often, or able to recognize the pull of your gut so that you are aware and receptive to them more often. It takes practice and it is part of what I teach people to do during one on one mentorships/coaching and in Intuitive Sessions.

Take for example my very busy day yesterday where my intuition supported me with a loved one and saved me from a literal rotten egg.

I was in the classroom of my subbing assignment and while students were watching a video on photosynthesis for the last day of the semester, I was handing out graded papers. As I was walking around I felt a pull or a whisper to look through the file cabinet in the back corner that never gets opened. I trusted this nudge, more curious than anything, and I opened the top drawer to find a raw egg from our lab the week before just sitting wet and slightly stinky on the papers inside.

Some 15 year old kid thought it would be a funny/rude/cool (pick your reason) idea to put this egg there and I am sure they hoped it would hide for a while before it started to smell and be found.


Well your intuition always works for you and is always on your side. I trusted my gut and it led me to finding the raw egg. It also gave me and my next door teacher some laughs about how ridiculous and frustrating young teens are.

The second thing of that day was a very random but strong pull to text my man to have a good day, tell him how much I appreciate him, love him, and etc. All things I tell him often, but the pull to do so was so strong I did it immediately.

Turns out he had a job performance review later that day that I didn't know about and he was a tad nervous.

My intuition had led me to text him, which led to a motivating and head clearing phone call at lunch, and a grateful man that felt supported and ready for his review.

Everyone has intuition and the ability to connect and "hear" their gut. I am always teaching others how to discern and tune into this feeling!

If you want to hear our gut more, trust your intuition, and save yourself from your own rotten eggs, book an Intuitive Session with me.


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