Spiritual Lineage

I think as human beings we have a fascination with lineage and history. We are always searching for answers to "where did we come from?" "who did I come from?" "who were my people?" or variations of these questions.

Loads of people have done genetic testing to see what runs in their veins. Which cultures are said to be connected to them and it's as if we wait to see which ones speak out to us and beckon us to learn more about them so we can recognize ourselves in them.

Lots of us love up on many different cultures found in our lineage. And if we don't know where we came from then we go exploring to see what calls to us, what feels right for us. It's all part of the human experience and the natural search for belonging.

I am talking about a different type of lineage today. The lineage I am referring to is our spiritual lineage.

Lineage means, descent from an ancestor. If we think about lineages from a spiritual point of view, we are talking about who or how we connect with Spirit, our own spirituality, and with what roots we develop our own practice. Who do we learn spirituality from? What guides and beings come forward to teach us? We are talking about who taught us what we know. Who helped us understand our intuition and gifts.

Take Reiki for example. In Reiki you learn from a Reiki Master/Teacher. Someone who has learned from their own Reiki Master/Teacher and so on. These Reiki Master/Teachers all go through the training and initiations to hold the knowledge and teachings of Reiki in the way the first Reiki Master taught them.

If you learn Reiki in the traditional sense, you can trace back your lineage person by person to Mikao Usui. The founder, starter, or diviner of Reiki. He worked with students including Chujiro Hayashi and Hawayo Takata. Takata then took the teachings abroad and taught her own students.

When you become a student of Reiki, you are given specific ways to work with energy. Specific access to tools used in Reiki. This knowledge is kept safe through the lineage. Kept safe from errors in information and mistakes in application. The idea is that the teachings are kept as close to what they were when originally taught. This is why you generally want to learn from someone that is initiated to teach them.

In Reiki there is a list of names of who has taught who. Your name is at one end as the most recent student and Usui's name is at the other closely followed by Hayashi and Takata's.

When I completed Reiki I from my first teacher, my lineage had thirteen names. Thirteen names linking me back to Usui. When I was in Reiki II & III with another teacher, I had less names on my lineage. A shorter list of people that had learned the teachings and passed them on.

To know the lineage and path of the teachings is beautiful! It's memory.

You can have a spiritual lineage in more than one way.

I have another lineage through the Akashic Records. Rooted in Egyptian teachings, I have only six souls in that lineage.

And like one of them once said, "Our Lineage is our lifeline.”

If it wasn't for them, these teachings would have been lost.

To be able to trace back is a gift. We remember who came before us to remember their stories. To remember the teachings and to honor and thank those that created the path for us.

These teachings are kept safe so they remain in memory. Some of the old connections of my Akashic lineage have been lost but yet we feel their presence in Spirit. Their energy is still in memory.

Do you have a spiritual lineage? You don't have to have one to practice your own unique magic!

But I can bet that you have one. Remembered in your soul's memory and in your Akashic, you will feel it trickle out in your everyday life. You'll see it flares up to grab your attention, pulling your interest in one direction and sparking your curiosity.

The Dragons are a Lineage of mine.

A short list of just me and the Dragons. But isn't that how it starts? One person remembers teachings from other lives and other soul connections. Channeling from the Dragons the teachings and knowledge that once was known but since forgotten. Only to be remembered in this current life. In the life where the knowledge is meant to be remembered.

I remember knowing the teachings of the Dragons. I have memory of being elsewhere and being right in the center of it all. To being so closely connected and the teachings so well understood.

I am a holder of that knowledge and I take my responsibility seriously. I am meant to teach it to others that feel the connection with the Dragons. That recognize themselves in them.

I am still incredibly human just like all the other people I share these lineages with. But that's the best thing to be when sharing these teachings:)

What better playing field is there than Earth?

If you are still thinking about joining Dragon Summer, trust the push and pull inside you. If you don't know how to make it work, ask for guidance. Trust your spiritual connections. If it's not now, then it'll be later. If the pull says now, then now it will be.

The Dragons are excited. They said to me this morning, "They are coming, they are moving." But they also said that there were some of you that were "blocked". I believe being blocked is a mindset thing and they were very clear that these people were blocking themselves. If you are in your own head about Dragon Summer or about taking a step forward with the Dragons then slow down. Reach out. I am here to help you get clear, not to convince you of anything. I trust your timing<3


Little old lady in the House - A sweet Ghost story


I pulled this for you