Little old lady in the House - A sweet Ghost story

Sessions can sometimes go in unexpected directions. The other day I had a session with two wonderful humans. It was an animal communication session to connect with their horse and their cat.

The session started out as any other animal communication session. I grounded myself and opened up space for the animals to come in. I share what I feel of their general energy, their personality, or if there is anything they would like to share with their humans right away before we get into answering their human’s questions.

We started with their horse, a lovely gentleman, and continued on to their cat Reya. A very youthful, adventurous, and sweet cat that showed a lot of potential to further expand on her own gifts.

She not only shared that she has morning meetings with their horse to help keep him updated on events inside and outside of the house but she also patrols and wanders the property. Hunting and playing, climbing trees, she’s very interested in exploring!

She told me that she can see spirits that wander their property. She then shared with me a visual of those spirits. They looked like civil war soldiers. She told me they mostly kept to the yard and seemed unaware of where they were. They were harmless and more like echoes of what once happened on the property long ago.

We asked her if she was aware of any spirits inside the house. She said there was one that came to mind and showed me what she looked like.

The woman was a small old lady, seeming from a very long time ago, with very grandmotherly energy. Originally I thought she was a blood relative from a few generations ago because she felt more connected with one of the homeowners but soon realized that the connection I was feeling between them was from the spirit's recognition of a fellow woman of the home.

The homeowners told me that the house was very old. Built in 1830 and starting as a sheep farm. Which seemed to fit with the soldiers seen in the front yard.

The old woman looked short and plump, wearing some sort of cover on her head as well as a shawl or wrap. She was sitting in a rocking chair in a corner of the house working on her knitting or her needlework. Like the spirits roaming the yard she felt unaware of time passing.

With the go ahead to ask her some questions, I asked what she was doing in the home and she told me she was waiting for her family. She definitely felt alone in the home, I felt none of her family around. She felt stuck and there was a blanket of sadness surrounding her like she had been waiting a long time to find her family and was missing them. She was holding on and not moving forward in case her family would come around and find her.

In situations like this, where we find a spirit in the home, there are a few things we can do. First, if the spirit is harmless and the homeowners don’t mind it staying we can leave it be or we can help it move on and release them back to Source with love and compassion.

If the spirit has ill intent we can remove it and send it back to the light, to Source to be transmuted. The choice is left to the current owners of the home and property.

This old woman was lost, I could feel her sorrow and her loneliness and longing for her kin. The homeowners felt it best to help her move on with compassion and to rejoin her with her family in spirit. So that is what we did.

I started by tuning into her and with my awareness I traveled to the space and time where she was stuck. I told her that I would help reunite her with her kin. I held out a hand and helped her out of her rocking chair. It felt like she had been sitting there for ages. She was slow to move and stiff like any old woman would be after sitting for a time. I grasped her arm and led her forward slowly to the nearest door of the home.

I opened the door with the intention of it being a passageway to spirit, a bridge to peace, and once opened I could view through it diamond light. Light that held all colors. Beyond the doorway were her loved ones already waiting to greet her after so long. She saw their faces and smiles, eyes focusing and latching onto them on the other side of the doorway. It’s as if the fog in her mind lifted and her spirit recognized theirs and called to them. She lifted both arms and grasped the sides of the door’s frame for balance as she took her first step through the door.

The moment she took that step she no longer needed support. She had found strength again and seemed full of vitality. Her loved ones greeted her with huge smiles and hugs and I could clearly see young children. I felt strongly in my gut that these were her grandchildren or her own children most likely lost while still young.

Once she was through I shut the door, sealing the passageway and made my way back to my body and brought my awareness back to the present moment.

During the whole experience I was just overwhelmed with compassion. I had tears from feeling the love and joy she felt from being reunited with her loved ones. The process of helping her cross over filled my heart and was such a special honor.

I want to thank the homeowners for being so full of compassion and understanding. I think they truly did what was best for the woman. I was happy to help them, knowing it was out of kindness and empathy that they made the decision.

Sometimes when we think of ghosts or lingering energy of spirits in our homes we think the worst. It’s part natural instinct to fear but when you know your own power and when you trust that you can handle any energies that you might encounter then we can shift the fear to compassion and love.

It was a beautiful moment for the homeowners to be a part of helping reunite the old woman with her family. It was also amazing to have their cat Reya there to guide us to someone needing our help. Thank you Reya!

However, the absolute BEST part is when I received a photo from the homeowners of the house after our session!

A single decades old photo in black and white of the home with a little old lady sitting in her chair out front, head covered, and wrapped in her shawl. :)

photo taken in early 1900s

Sitting right out front of the home she loved. The home where she made her family.

I absolutely love when the people I work with trust me and are open minded with what direction their session goes. We get to learn and experience some amazing things!


Preparing pets for fireworks


Spiritual Lineage