I pulled this for you

I wanted to pull a couple cards for you today. I pulled these cards with the intention of sharing what advice Spirit has for you. This advice may be relevant now or later this week or whenever. If it doesn't resonate then let it slide.

Two decks wanted to be played with today, they were both created by Annie Tarasova and are incredibly beautiful decks.

The cards pulled are Remember Who You Are, Stillness, and Ground Yourself.

With these messages coming out together, it is pretty clear that Spirit is suggesting you take time to slow and reflect inward. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to become a hermit and stay at home doing nothing for a day but instead just setting time aside to sit still and slow your mind. Intentionally making time to focus on how your body is feeling and what patterns and loops your mind is performing. Notice emotions that haven't had a chance to be noticed or felt because you've been focused on what's going on outside of you in the world or in your life.

Think of the times when you are go go going and so busy and your mind is working and then finally it all stops for a minute or a day and you are left with nothing claiming your attention. You may feel a very intimidating quiet and may feel uncomfortable with the feeling of nothing immediate to do. This feeling can be uncomfortable because it just may be all that you haven't had time to slow down, feel, and notice. It can feel scary or intimidating. It can feel sad or maybe too much to feel in the quiet time.

This is the quiet that I suggest you not ignore. The yawning expanse of feeling that comes in the silence is yours to navigate. There is a need to give it a chance and spend time in that stillness. It can feel weird to sit and feel it all but the stillness in a safe and comfortable space will allow you to move through anything you haven't felt through yet. The time to ground within your body will help you move through these feelings.

I always suggest spending time outside and getting some nature time in. However, understand that grounding doesn't always mean grounding to connect to nature but can also mean grounding within ourselves. Within our bodies. If we aren't present and anchored within our bodies our energy can become more chaotic without intention.

When you ground within your body (you can do this by getting comfy and bringing focus to your body and how you feel, any aches and pains. Then feel the emotions that may come up from those areas.) you are anchoring yourself in the present moment but also to the core of your power. You are able to access more of your own power as you see more of yourself. You become more aware.

I don't practice meditation by removing all thoughts from my mind. I slow my mind and just notice what thoughts come up without taking action in creating them. A thought pops up and I go Huh, ok, interesting. And let it flow by. When I focus on my body and notice some tightness or pressure/pain in any areas I gently ask it where it may have come from or what it needs to go back to comfort. Sometimes the response is a warm bath or to drink more water, light massaging in an area and sometimes the answer is a deep energy shift in that spot.

These cards pulled for you today are really trying to show you the importance of turning your eyes in and giving yourself the same focus you give the TV (no shame here), your friends drama, or your life's events.

Give yourself some love!

**If you feel pulled to share this email with a friend, please feel free to send it to them:)


Spiritual Lineage


Dragon Knowledge