Dragon Knowledge

I started this digital art a bit before my trip to Fargo and finished it when I got home. I think it shows the power and magic that is held within knowing your connection to Source and your Dragons. Art helps me focus and feel into the purity of a feeling or thought. I don't consider myself experienced in it but I do know that I've been dabbling in different art for a long time. I think it's something everyone should play with no matter the form.

As I get closer to my birthday this June, I have been reflecting on how my life has flowed so far. It's been filled with incredible things and surprises, has led me to meeting fantastic people, and I've really noticed my own growth over the years. It's interesting to look back and see the patterns created and broken by trusting my gifts and intuition. I'm always curious to see how things evolve and change. It's its own type of magic.

Within June so far (we are only days into the month) I am finding more layers to work through but just as many celebrations.

I hope you can take time to celebrate your own wins and recognize the things that have helped you grow.

If you didn't see my post of the piece above with it's message on Instagram then continue reading. Feel free to share it to a friend!

The Dragons came forward with a reminder that you are your own healer. That intuitives, animal communicators, energy workers, shamans, Reiki masters, and others can facilitate your healing but you have to do the legwork. They can GUIDE you but your healing is your own responsibility.

It's radical responsibility and turning your eyes inward to Self.

Our spiritual guides also help guide us but again they can't do it all for you. You have to own your healing and take initiative.

I can hold a safe space for you, teach you ways to show up for yourself and trust in yourself. I can show you how to cultivate your inner flame and work with your guides. I can share my experience transmuting my shadow into love. I can help you find your way forward but to work with me is to understand that the real healing is still yours to do.

I can't fix you, others can't fix you, but I can hold your hand with compassion and support you. It's all I want to do!

I wish for you clear seeing and trust in your truth!

As always, if you are interested in connecting with your Dragons then check out a Dragon Session!


I pulled this for you


A note from Spirit