Some of my favorite crystals

Do you have a love for crystals? Maybe you collect them for their uniqueness or maybe you use them daily. Here’s a mini guide to know how to use them!

Whether they are raw and rough cut or sanded and shaped into designs, they are capable of great energy!

Crystals have a lot of purposes and anyone can use them.

I have used crystals during energy healings, placing certain crystals on certain chakras.

I have used them in meditation for grounding and holding my intention.

I have stuffed crystals of protection and discernment in my bra as I go out into the world or go to a high energy event or where I know there are lots of emotions. (A concert, a funeral, a movie, a party, etc.)

I’ve used them during Reiki sessions, to commune with my higher self and guides. I’ve used them to move through grief.

I have used them to improve my sleep.

And I most definitely have used them with my animals.

Maybe you aren’t surprised by this but animals have their own preferences on crystals just like you and me.

I’ve met and communicated with cats that have input on what crystals should go where in their home because they are so attuned to the energy and flow.

I have placed calming crystals in the car during long drives with my pets where they’ve needed another tool to support them.

I’ve placed crystals around places the pets like to sleep in so their sleep is good and undisturbed.

I’ve brought crystals while traveling to clear and protect my space and for good sleep.

I have brought healing crystals to the barn for horses that need help shifting to that frequency to heal from an injury.

Animals have their preferences so I am going to share a few common crystals that I like to have when working with animals.

First I’d like to say that any crystal can hold any intention.

The crystals I will list below don’t have to have one purpose (or just the purpose that is listed on google). They can hold any purpose you’d like.

Hold it in your hands, imagine it being cleared with light and love and when you feel ready to, set an intention and ask the crystal to hold this intention for you.

Try feeling out these crystals. Which one calls you?

1. Amethyst - This is probably on the top of my list of crystals. They are easy to obtain, easy to charge and clear, and they are so multi-use. They are great for protection, clearing energy, connecting with the higher self, for dreams, and more.

With animals I will use this when they need help realigning their energy to balance. When they feel stuck and stagnant and they need assistance holding a clearer frequency.

​2. Clear Quartz - Great for clearing energy, imbuing good clear divine energy, communicating with your higher self, guides, and calling in divine support.

Awesome to use as a multipurpose crystal. It is great to set boundaries and help an animal be clearer in communication.

​3. Citrine - This crystal is sunshine in a stone. It’s so full of life and joy that it’s great to use for motivation, for bringing the sunshine into your home, or helping lift lower emotions. It also can give the frequency of confidence.

I use this crystal for animals that need a little pep in their step or who are needing the sunshine energy like a warm hug after a loss. Sometimes animals that are anxious or nervous and need some confidence will like this stone.

​4. Rose Quartz - Super full of love and support, this crystal is always a great one to have in your home if not for your animals. If you are doing a lot of heart centered work, this is the crystal to help you.

With animals that have big hearts, are gentle, and so giving, this crystal can really help rebalance them and offer to them what they offer to others. It will definitely fill your love cup.

​5. Obsidian - This crystal can feel intense to some. It is a great crystal for ultimate protection. It’s also great for clearing but in my experience it will clear most energy so it’s great to pair with a crystal like clear quartz to bring in energy and balance it. If you want something similar but more subtle you can use black tourmaline instead.

I have used obsidian in big energy clearings or cord cutting sessions. Some animals can be sensitive with this one so be mindful and choose another if they don’t seem to resonate with this crystal.

Remember that the animals will choose their own crystals and might choose something different than you think. You can help them by offering some of these common ones.

I have laid a few out on the ground in front of my cat and she has thrown herself to the ground to roll on one or two. Those she can use for a while until she seems she is finished with them.

It’s all about intention.

During a session we can ask your pet what crystals they would like to work with or if they have any use for the ones you may already have! They always have great input into what crystals would be best to support their energy.

You also may be needing some crystal support. In a session we can look at where your energy would benefit from the support of crystals and also ask your guides if they have any input!


The energy of colors


channeled message