The energy of colors

Have you ever chosen a car based only on its color?

Ever painted your nails one color and haven’t wanted to stray from it?

Maybe your house is just an array of different shades of one color or every room you walk into there is one color that shows up in your decorating.

Do you only wear black? Hate the color yellow?

There just may be some meaning to this…

We are attracted to color, repulsed by it. We gather certain colors in our homes and wear others. They make us feel emotions and have been used in nature (colorful male birds that are looking for a mate, or tiger stripes for their ability to blend in) and by humans to create and connect (art, expression)!

Colors help convince us that we need the next new product or that life would be better with another version of something we have (no judgment!).

They let us create our own unique brand and show our personality and help people recognize our work.

They have meaning in different religions and faiths, and in writing they contribute to vivid explanations of worlds we want to get lost in.

Energy can be interpreted through color. Have you ever had an aura reading or had intuitive art made of you?

Color is one way to show how energy is being felt or seen by intuitives. Chakras are represented by their individual colors and can be recognized in areas of the body where that color may be intuitively seen.

Generally, the colors of the chakras go like this:

Root - Red

Sacral - Orange

Solar Plexus - Yellow

Heart - Green

Throat - Blue

Third Eye - Purple

Crown - White

This can vary depending on your own mind's eye. I see the solar plexus as orange, not yellow, and I see the crown as a mixture of white and gold instead of just white. I also sometimes see the root with shades of black.

Color meanings can vary person to person and the “language” of the colors that I may use with one animal or person might mean something entirely different with another. Either way, interpreting chakras can be done in many different ways.

Along with the chakras holding a certain color, energy itself can show up as colors. I have met a handful of animals that can see energy in waves of color when looking at an environment or at a person.

I know an intuitive that can sense energy "temperatures" and when she scans the body she will see the warm flowing energy areas of the body as reds, oranges, and yellows and see the stagnant or sticky slow energy movement in the body as deep greens, blues, and purples.

Colors can mean different things. Most of the time you can expect the energy to show emotions that travel the body. Sometimes the saturation of the color may relate to the level of flow that area of a body has.

For example, when I look at a person’s energy in their body I can see areas of bright or dull color. If the color is dull it tells me that this may be an area of stagnancy or this area of the body may need some attention. If an area of the body is very very bright it may be working really well but also may be working too hard to compensate for other areas. In either case the goal would be to bring balance to the body and focus on all areas that need attention.

If you are interested in emotions shown as color, there are endless resources but I would like to share this one below:

Created by Serena Archetti

It shows the duality of emotions within the colors.

You are free to interpret energy in any “language” that works for you. Just be clear when working with others what your language means. If the person you are working on hears you say, “Your root chakra is really bright.” they might think that means something positive where you might not. Be clear and explain your insight.

Remember also that blue isn’t just true blue. When reading energy you may see variations of blue. Light blue, dark blue, green-blue, purple-blue, and all these can hold their own interpretations as well along with unique meaning to you.

When you want to embody more of a certain emotion you can wear the color, mindfully eat things of that color, or energetically play with that color in your energy work. For example if you are lacking in optimism around a certain event in life, you may incorporate yellows into your daily life or practice.

If you are feeling fear or loneliness you may want to incorporate a color that holds confidence and bravery.

If you are a lover of the color black (like I am) you are perfect and nothing is wrong with you :)

Just know that you do not have to change your wardrobe or decor colors if it brings you joy!

Any color can make you feel a certain way. We are all beautifully different. The graphics shown above are just offered to feed your curiosity and to give you a starting place to explore.


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