shower baths, ouchie knees, & being “lazy”

Yesterday I spent a lovely sunshine filled day exploring eastern Minnesota and a little bit of western Wisconsin (more on that later) and this morning I woke up EXHAUSTED.

I knew that yesterday’s hiking, sun, new barefoot shoes (absolutely LOVE), and sort of longer car ride was going to challenge my body a bit (and I don’t regret one second of it) but when I woke up this morning I found that my soreness was just one layer of what my body was experiencing.

Our bodies talk to us!

The last couple weeks I have been noticing my body show me where I need to do work and energy maintenance. And in order to help my body get back to balance I have been doing things to support myself on all levels.

I have been a bit dehydrated, my knee (which normally doesn’t bother me) has been ouchie, I have been purging in many ways (sweating, nose running/sneezing, bathroom visits), my moon cycle is affecting me as well, my fish and one of my snails died on Saturday and I am grieving, there are just a lot of layers to what my body is processing.

So this morning when I woke up sore and tired, I knew that I had to reevaluate how I was supporting my body.

The things I had been doing this past week: infrared sauna, yoga, electrolytes, types of food I was making/eating, general activities; were great things but I needed more.

Time to call in my guides.

Side note: I am a huge believer that you have all the answers within you and that you shouldn’t always turn to your guides before you turn to yourself. However, I already understood what my body needed and I wanted to know the best WAY to give my body those things.

Enter an intense and deep intuitive meditative state.

Just kidding! I hopped in the shower and just chilled. I often find that the shower is the best place to think. Anyone relate?

So here I was, taking what I call a shower-bath (sitting on the floor of the tub while the water falls on me). I asked my guides, “What things can I do or action can I take to support my body? What is my body’s goal for this week? What do I need to know?”

What I received was kind of vague so I said, “You need to be clear and specific and speak right to me cause I DO NOT WANT and WILL NOT accept fuzzy answers.” (Remember this. You can say this to your guides too.)

  • The information that came next was much clearer and was something like:

  • Keep doing the infrared sauna

  • Keep hydrating and drinking electrolytes

  • Take a relaxing bath with those petals from the tulips you have. They are ready to go.

  • Throughout the day, eat a few spoonful's of that green pea and spinach chilled soup you made (which made sense because I made it a couple days ago but didn’t know why and didn’t feel like eating it right away), it will help with your digestion.

  • No TV this week, you are purging and “detoxing” from things other than YOU. So other minds and stories and thought patterns you consume through TV won’t work. Also no scrolling on SM for fun. Just use it for business if you need to.

  • You may read in your free time but check in with us to help you choose a book that will support your energy and emotions and not throw you off. (Which is genius because I get so into the book that I will dream about it and think about it for days. It should be one that supports my energy.)

  • Do puzzles, knit, go outside, bake, do art, nap in your free time.

  • Burn those papers that you haven’t burned yet. side eye from guides Those need to be released.

  • Keep in touch with your people. (They are referring to you guys.) Creating for them when you feel inspired will be supportive.

  • Keep doing bodywork. (My bestie and I will get together to do fascia release and energy work and etc. on each other. It’s soooo helpful.)

  • Eat more calories but focus on protein. (I’ve been consuming too many carbs and not the nutrient dense kind. My body doesn’t likey.)

  • Join those breathwork gatherings if you feel called to it this week.

  • Get sleep, don't go to bed too late.

  • We need you to check in more than you have been. Come to us for some energy work.

That seems like a lot. Are you surprised with how much info and how specific they were? Which one would be most challenging for you?

Of course I asked questions to clarify. “If I am not watching TV this week would playing a game on my Nintendo switch be alright?” -> “Not unless you’ve done what you’ve needed to do for the day. Don’t fall down the rabbit hole and go nuts with it. Moderation.”

I am sharing this to show you that it IS possible to get a lot of specific information from your guides and not just vague things that we’ve all gotten before like, “Rest, flow, embrace change, blah, etc.”

That stuff is super helpful but to be honest… I’m lazy sometimes and don’t want to try five things before they show me a sign I’m on track. Nope. Just tell me and don’t be cryptic. Thanks!

It isn’t wrong to want more information, I consider it “wrong” to only rely on information they can give and forget you have power and choice to decide the path yourself. I’m just so tired and want to be energetically held and am asking for their support right now.

I will update you and share later about how their guidance is going for me.

If you want support and clearer answers too, I can help you out.

Book an Akashic Records or an Intuitive session to get clear on what you need (on all levels) for this challenge/moment in time/phase. I would love to vibe in a session with you. When we can come together magic happens and we can absorb all the juicy universal energy that is available to us. You deserve that!


a rainy tuesday, talking to babies, & wisdom from the records


Ways your pet communicates with you