a rainy tuesday, talking to babies, & wisdom from the records

I'm sitting here writing this with a Zevia Root Beer near by and a very large ginger snap cookie in hand. My window is open and a very cool breeze is flowing through along with the sounds of the rain pouring.

I went to the chiropractor this morning so my body is feeling good and I stopped for a little hot chocolate at my fav bookstore/coffee shop after returning some books at the library and grabbing the ones waiting for me on hold. I now have six books from the library waiting to be read and 20+ sprinkled throughout my bedroom. You can never have too many books!

I played with money and paid some bills (which felt sooo good!), paid for a trip later this August, spent some lovely time catching up with a friend through voice messages. It's been the perfect rainy Tuesday morning.

I had a lovely Akashic Records session with an amazing friend/client. We spent time in the records just being loved on and melting into what IS. Held by universal powers and our spiritual guides. Being warmed by the dragons and their fire.

She's about to welcome lives into this world so of course we talked to her babies and spent time listening to them. Babies in Spirit are so dang cool. The next generations are gonna be exponentially "evolved" for lack of a better term. They just KNOW themselves and will not apologize for it. It's so refreshing!

A message from Spirit came through for both of us but was meant for others as well so I'll share it.

This was in regards to not knowing how to enjoy time away from business without guilt and the pressure of being productive in order to grow business. It can be applied to many scenarios:)

The moment you feel lit up and confident about your choices to enjoy yourself (reading, crafts, baking, travel, etc.) and your time off from business, is when you will see things shift and business expand. Trust your decision and enjoy it wholeheartedly.

If you feel guilt for enjoying yourself and taking a day, week, month off, you have some work to do and you still might hold resistance to the idea. You might not believe it's possible to grow your business if you choose rest and fun. There is a mindset shift that is needed. A new story is required in your mind in order to shift your reality. Continue to catch yourself when you fall into the doubt, repetition is needed and training your mind is not a one time event.

Remember that things happen in the unseen and hidden background of your reality. Moving and shifting in order to work with you. Trust that you can enjoy life and still accomplish your goal. Trust that you can have both things.

Thank you to the Keepers of the Akashic Records, Spirit, and our Guides.

I'm going to finish my cookie now:)

If you would like guidance from your own Akashic records and the opportunity to bask in the support offered within, then I invite you to book a session with me. I absolutely love going within and acting as your guide and messenger.

Within an Akashic Records / Shamanic Healing session we are able to receive, shift, create, and heal. It's my favorite method of recuperating and most trusted way to break through limitations.

Check out the ‘Book a Session’ tab at the top of this page to explore your options.


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