a lifetime agreement

My best friend and I are very self aware. Our friendship is really strong because of this. This, and our ability to be honest with each other and patient with each other as we both move through life and growth.

Being self aware is a bittersweet thing. You are more attuned or aware of your own shortcomings, your strengths, your fears, your knowledge and your shadow. All things you need to be aware of in order to grow and heal and move through life. But you are also aware of when you fuck up, when you are being a little B about something, or when you are just plain holding yourself back because you fear another level or you fear change all the while knowing that the best things are on the other side. Being self aware is a huge blessing but you can never unlearn things about yourself.

Mix this with another person that is just as self aware, just as interested in personal growth and healing, and even matches your intuition and ability to co-create with Spirit, there is so much potential for growth and what can be experienced.

You also get another person who SEES you. Who can see where you falter in your confidence, who sees your value, who sees your challenges and what you are struggling with but allows you the healthy boundary of fixing things yourself while also being close by to offer assistance, love, and support.

Truth runs rampant in these connections. And when the truth is showing that there is a discrepancy or an imbalance, it is imperative that it’s addressed.

This is what both my friend and I were feeling within the last month or so. We were having so much movement and challenges to give attention to in our own lives that we didn’t realize that there was an odd energy between us. There was something lingering. It wasn’t something either of us were actively participating in but we could feel that there was something that needed to be addressed.

We chose to sit in ceremony together within the Akashic Records. To explore our connection together and figure out what was causing this unease.

And lo and behold, it was an agreement we both had made in a previous lifetime that was outdated but still there, and it was being felt because unknowingly to us we were moving through life together in ways that weren’t aligned with parts of this ancient agreement.

But how did we get there?

In every Akashic Records session of my own and with others that work with me, I start with clearing the space and opening sacred space to then work within. This space is cleared and set with energy and intention to provide the highest good for those involved. To help illuminate the answers to our questions and to help us find a way to move forward even more deeply self aware and supported.

Then I open the records and utilize the help of the Keepers and the guides to find where to start and how to continue the work within the records.

So my first step was opening my friends Akashic Records. With her being intuitive and sensitive to energy as well (massage therapist, Reiki Master, and intuitive) she felt the shift in energy right away and was able to follow along with me as I continued.

I then asked the Keepers and her guides to assist me with finding our connection together and then to lead me to origin or place of the weirdness we were feeling and wanting to look in to.

I immediately was shown images of both of us in a very old lifetime where we were sisters and living and sharing a hearth of our own in a small cottage in a village. We both had our roles and we both had our unique skills. Her of creating concoctions and mixtures for healing the physical, me of healing with energy and holding space of those that are drifting from their physical forms, and both of us of gathering the plant medicine needed to create these mixtures for healing.

The agreement between us in this life was easily felt. There were energetic boundaries set with our roles and our jobs and if these were to be crossed at any point of us living and working together, we were unable to help people in the way that they needed us.

The agreement included the action of myself being the connection between the physical and the ethereal. Holding space and Spirit within the bodies of our patients as she created the specific herbal and healing remedies that our patient needed. In this life I was aware of how to make even the simplest mixtures and healing aids but if I were to create these from what she had taught me, there was fear and resentment from her about her feeling responsible for the end result regardless if she had taught me correctly, supervised me, or if something had gone wrong despite her not being involved in the creation of the mixture.

On my side, I had felt a huge responsibility to hold the energy and protect the souls of our patients throughout their healing and recuperation. If I was questioned or my advisement wasn’t trusted by her, I felt frustration because I was getting direct guidance and instruction from the soul and the person’s guides and energy. I was also not thrilled with being told where to gather XYZ plant because like her I had a fierce connection and trust for the land and I was also able to receive assistance from the local animals about the plants.

We both had our lines drawn and these were important aspects to have for family that worked and lived and healed together.

How this connected into the lives we are living now was that my friend was interested in learning more of her connection to the animals and was feeling confused because she considered it my gift and my service to others. Not only was she feeling guilty about the idea of talking to animals, I could feel the issue of services traded between us to be confusing and responsible for creating imbalance.

The Keepers along with each of our guides advised us to create a new agreement or edit the original one to replicate or cover what we needed in this life now together. Both of us easily agreed to edit this agreement because we of course wanted both of us involved in each others current lives.

The agreement was easily edited after seeing how both of us acted with our fear and shadow in this life shown to us within the records. We acknowledged how we made mistakes in that life together and forgiveness was mutual and given freely because we both understood that we didn’t want this playing into our lives now. Not when we wanted to grow and learn together.

The edited agreement covered and explained that all of our gifts are sacred and not to be quieted or feared. In the past she has officially taught me to explore gifts of my own that she had learned thoroughly and I was to officially teach her about her own gifts based on what I have learned thoroughly as well. 

We were to see value in each other and agree on any trades of our gifts and services to help each other, we were to do so with a timeline of how long we would leave the trade open for and what we allowed as a trade. The energy exchange would be even and agreed upon and we did all of this in love and friendship.

We also with our guides within the records about how we were to pursue any interests or gifts without stepping on each others toes in business. I have zero interest in offering people reiki or herbal remedies or massage or etc. I respect that those are hers and her business’s. She also has no interest in disrespecting my business and what I offer inside as well. We both understood that in no way do we claim these gifts and prevent the other from knowing and learning them. Because our personal lives and our business overlap, we have to make sure we are practicing healthy boundaries and we do everything out of love.

We have always encouraged each other to grow and explore our callings and to do so together and share with each other. We know that we each have our paths of learning so this revisiting of a past life together was perfect for us.

This is why I absolutely love working within the records. I have healed so many of my own connections within my records and I have assisted and guided healing for so many others in areas of their lives where they have needed the Akashic Records and its guidance.

So much can be done within the records. Most people only know about learning about other lives lived that they don’t understand that there are numerous things to do within.

I have led soul retrievals, Akashic cord cutting, revising of past contracts and agreements, restoration of past life gifts and knowledge, alignment and healing of the energetic bodies within the records, and more. All of the things I do for myself I do for others and when working together we are led by the Keepers and your guides to exactly what is right for you and for your highest good. It’s my main work and I just can’t explain how much it feels like home.


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