• What is animal communication?

    Animal communication is the ability to communicate with animals through telepathy.

  • How does it work?

    Similar to how radio waves, Wifi, or a phone call, ACs are able to send and receive invisible information to animals.

    I connect heart to heart, into the energy and frequency of the animal and then use my own gifts of intuition to channel. When I communicate, I see visuals, hear thoughts and words, feel emotions, interpret energy, and just “know” (claircognizant). The information can come in all forms at once so I sift through and organize it into a clear idea to share with you.

  • What are the benefits of animal communication?

    How does it feel after talking and sharing time with a loved one? Communicating with your pet can bring peace and understanding that can help improve their wellbeing.

    An animal communication session can help resolve, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual issues in animals. You gain a better understanding of your companion and vice versa.

  • What topics can you cover during a session?

    During a session we can talk about anything! But here are a few ideas:

    Behavior challenges - any challenges can be worked through once you know why the behavior is taking place. Examples include: barking, biting, having accidents inside. Understanding your pet’s perspective can help when looking for a solution. However, communication is not a replacement for training and some behaviors can sometimes be health related. I am not a vet and can not replace one, I will not diagnose.

    Health issues - I will not prescribe medical treatments or diagnose your animal. I can only relay symptoms and areas of stuck energy and pain that your pet shares and any information that may be useful to share with your vet. Communication isn’t a replacement for veterinary care.

    Death and Dying - It can be very challenging to make a decision about your pet’s future. We can ask your pet if they are ready, if they want help from the vet, if there is anything they need to communicate or do before they pass, and more.

    Upcoming changes - I always recommend letting your pet know when you will be going on vacation, moving, changing a work schedule, or are having a shifting home dynamic. We can cover what might help your pet handle the transition easier.

    General - Sometimes you want to just check in with your pet and have a conversation about the day to day and things that have been on their mind lately. Do they want a food switch? More potty breaks? A different form of exercise?

    Advice & Guidance - Your pets know you better than you think and are more aware than you know. Sometimes it can be helpful to get their opinion on a relationship, life change, big decision. They are there to help!

    Fun perspective - Have any wacky questions? No question is too weird to ask! If it pops in your mind, I can bet your animal has something to say.

  • What should I ask my pet(s)?

    Are you happy?

    What are your likes & dislikes?

    What can I do to make your life better?

    Do you have any questions or anything you want to say to me?

    Do you like your job, your daily routine, your living arrangements?

    How does your body feel?

    Why do you do___ ?

    Why won't you do___?

    Have you been my pet before?

    Have we had past lives together?

    What are we here to help each other with?

    What is your favorite thing to do together?

    How can I help you fulfill your purpose in life?

    What is your history before we found each other?

    Why do you do ____?

    Why are you fearful of ____?

    What is your opinion of _____?

    What can I do to make your life more fun, easy, pleasurable?

  • What kinds of animals can you talk to?

    Any that accept the invitation to talk with me! The majority of my clients are horses, dogs, cats, & birds but I have had the pleasure to talk to many different species including wild ones. A couple are whales, racoons, rabbits, birds of prey, squirrels, ravens, song birds, frogs, snakes, spiders, bugs and more!

  • What is an animal communication reading like?

    I like to urge clients to make a list beforehand of their questions they want to ask during a session. This list is for you and is good to have handy. I like to start a reading with your animals pressing thoughts and comments. They usually have some things that are important for them to share right away. Most of the time they will answer one of the questions on your list before we get there! Once we finish with their side, we will move on to the questions that you have prepared and we enjoy the connection!

  • How many animals can I include in a session?

    These sessions are for your pet as much as they are for you. I want to make sure that we allow your animals enough time to connect with you and share as much as possible. Typically for a 30 minute session I have a two animal max. For an hour session I have a three animal max.

  • Do you have to be near the animal to communicate?

    Nope! Energy is everywhere & doesn't follow the concept of physical distance. I can tune into an animal on the opposite side of the world, ones right in front of me, as well as ones that have passed on.

  • Do you speak with deceased animals?

    Yes I do. It can be very healing & awe inspiring.

  • How do I prepare for a reading?

    Think about what you'd like to accomplish with the session! Create a list of questions or topics you'd like to discuss with your pet. I recommend sharing with your animal your excitement and intention to communicate with them before the reading. This will give them time to prepare.

  • Does my animal need to be present?

    Nope! They can be hanging out next to you or in the next room. They will be able to communicate either way. You may notice a change in their behavior or energy during our session. Some pets fall “asleep” and really they are in a meditative state while I communicate and sometimes your pet will be right there next to you confirming what I am saying!

  • Can animals remember their past?

    Yes they can! Sharing their past can be healing & fun. We can also ask them about their past lives!

  • Can animals tell time?

    Yes & no. Animals have a sense for time & can give an idea but it may not be exact. They don’t depend on a clock like we do, except for maybe dinner time or when you return home!

  • What if my animal doesn’t like me, or is upset? I am worried about what they will say…

    This is a common worry but you will find most animals have been waiting to talk to you & they are so excited! Everything they share with me I will share with you. Even if there is a conflict, they are always striving to find a peaceful equilibrium with you and these sessions can help both of you to find that peace.

  • What are Spirit Guides?

    Spirit guides are nonphysical beings assigned to guide us to attain our greatest potential on Earth. Just like our pets guide us in the physical, our guides only have our best in mind but they are non-physical. In a way they care for us like guardian angels and assist us the many life changes, growth, and joys of life. They are ascended beings and have thoroughly mastered life’s lessons. No matter your cultural or spiritual background, spirit guides are here to share their wisdom and protection.

  • What are the types of spirit guides?

    I am sure you have heard of your “higher self” and while that’s you and not a spirit guide, spirit guides feel similar because they are of high vibration. They can include angels and archangels, ancestors and ascended masters, deities, plant and animal spirits, galactic beings, and universal and spirit energy. I work with angels, Archangel Michael, Egyptian deities, and am closest to my animal guides that make up part of my spiritual team.

  • What do spirit guides do?

    Your guides are here for your highest good and have no ill intentions. You don’t need to know how to access them, they’ve been with you all along.

    Spirit guides communicate with you through dreams, signs & symbols, and synchronicities. Have you ever thought “What a coincidence!”? There is no such thing!

    Your guides can send advice which may show up as gut instincts, ideas, or “downloads”. They do this to warn us about toxic people, harmful thoughts or events, and negativity. They also help by giving us nudges that lead to increased creativity and towards the path of our souls purpose.

  • What is Reiki?

    Reiki is an energy healing treatment that works holistically; on the whole mind, body & spirit.

    Any living thing is able to receive reiki. Reiki is a healing treatment where universal healing vibrations and energy are sent from a Reiki practitioner (who acts as a funnel) to the recipient. Once attuned to a certain level, a practitioner is able to send reiki from a distance.

  • Can you perform Reiki from a distance too?

    Yes! I have completed my attunements & certifications through Level 3 and am able to offer distance reiki.

    Distance reiki, like animal communication, can be offered long distance

  • How do I know if my animal wants reiki?

    All animals can benefit from reiki. I like to start by offering reiki & letting them know they can take what they want & that I am not forcing them to participate. Animals all respond differently to reiki & usually know how much they want & need.

  • What are the benefits of Reiki?

    A few benefits include:

    *reduced pain

    *reduced anxiety

    *improved sleep

    *helps relieve depression

    *improved mental clarity and boosted self-esteem

    *strengthened intuition and self-awareness

    *can help to remove emotional & spiritual energy blocks

    *can help balance & increase your natural energy flow

    *can help to boost the natural healing process after injuries or surgeries